TRAI invites proposals for empanelment of auditors to carry DAS audit


TRAI invites proposals for empanelment of auditors to carry DAS audit

An applicant once rejected shall not be eligible to re-apply for 12 months


MUMBAI: The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has invited proposals from audit firms for empanelment in the panel of Auditors to carry out the audit of digital addressable systems.

The audit agency shall meet the following eligibility conditions for empanelment in the panel of Auditors: 

1.  It shall be a company registered under the Companies Act 2013, OR an LLP under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 or a registered Partnership Firm under the Partnership Act, 1932, OR a proprietorship firm registered with ICAI as an audit firm;

2.  It shall have a minimum average annual turnover of Rs 50 lakh in the immediate two preceding financial years for national level empanelment or for more than one regional level empanelment or Rs 25 lakh in the immediate two preceding financial years for empanelment in only one regional area;

3.  It shall have experience, either on its own or through any of its partner/employee of (i) at least one year in the audit of Digital Addressable System (DAS) [Subscriber Management System (SMS)/ Conditional Access System (CAS)] (technical and/or subscription) of distributors; or (ii) at least one year in the audit of billing and metering and/or payment and prepaid charging system involving the use of software tools and/or banking IT system; 

4.  It shall have at least three full-time professionals from among Chartered Accountant (CA)/ Company Secretary (CS)/Cost Accountant (CoA)/ Graduate Engineer, and at least one of the three professionals should be a Chartered Accountant (CA)/ Company Secretary (CS)/Cost Accountant (CoA). Such professionals should be full time partners or employees working with the Audit Agency since at-least six months prior to the date of application; 

5.  The company/ LLP/ firm or any of its professional shall not have been disqualified or blacklisted by any department of State Government/Central Government or any Bank or Financial Institution or any statutory body or any professional body. Further, the Company/ LLP/ firm or any of its professional should not have been held guilty of criminal misconduct at any point of time

6.  The applicant should be well-versed with the broadcasting and distribution industry and shall be proficient in understanding the network head-end setup, customer and system lifecycle knowledge and integration of customer details in SMS and CAS 

7.  The applicant should be independent of broadcasting service providers and should not have any direct or indirect involvement or interest in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of software such as CAS/SMS/Middleware/Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) or hardware/electronic devices used in digital addressable systems of a service provider. Further, neither any director/ partner/ key managerial personnel of the applicant firm nor its any audit personnel should have held in last one year or should be currently holding the similar position in the company which is involved in the business of broadcasting and distribution activities. 

The empanelment process shall be continuous and henceforth may be carried out on monthly basis i.e. a proposal may be submitted by last working day of a month for the next round of empanelment. An applicant shall apply only once till TRAI informs it about acceptance/rejection of its proposal. TRAI shall inform all the applicants whether they have been empanelled or their application has been rejected. An applicant once rejected shall not be eligible to re-apply for 12 months from the date of intimation of such rejection.