CNN's interactive news application in application stores

CNN's interactive news application in application stores

MUMBAI: CNN has announced that its CNN application would be available in its application stores.

The CNN iPhone application is purpose-built and designed to provide a visually-driven news experience for iPhone and iPod touch users who demand accessibility and convenience.


Avers GM, senior VP KC Estenson, "CNN‘s new application for iPhone and iPod touch simplifies and amplifies news consumption, empowering users to get the news and information they need and want, anytime, anywhere. Simply put, the new CNN application puts the power of the world‘s news leader right in the palm your hand."

The new CNN application showcases news of the day through text, video and photos. It also features live breaking news video, push notification, localisation and personalisation tools, user-generated content capture and upload functionality through iReport and more.

CNN Mobile VP Louis Gump says, "The CNN application has, what we think is, one of the best user experiences around and will quickly become an essential daily news source for many iPhone and iPod touch users. We tailored the best of CNN specifically for them, whether they check in from the beach, the airport or the ballpark."