Wunderman Thompson India wins big at Spikes Asia 2022

Wunderman Thompson India wins big at Spikes Asia 2022

'The Lost Daughters’ is awarded a Grand Prix and 'Hidden Truth' for Vidya India bags a gold.

Wunderman Thompson

Mumbai: Wunderman Thompson India bagged a Grand Prix for ‘Good’ for "The Lost Daughters," in addition to winning a ‘Glass Spike’ for the same campaign at the recently concluded Spikes Asia awards 2022. The agency also won a gold for the film "Hidden Truth" for Vidya India in the category 'Film Craft' for 'Script Writing.'

 The Spikes Asia Awards, APAC's most prestigious creative communications awards, serve as the definitive benchmark for not only creative excellence, but also marketing strategy and effectiveness in Asia-Pacific.

"The Lost Daughters" activation was in collaboration with Sanlaap, a Kolkata-based NGO that rescues and rehabilitates sex trafficking survivors. It makes an attempt to raise awareness about this issue to help more daughters come back home with dignity. "The Hidden Truth" was in collaboration with Vidya India, an NGO that strives for empowering and transforming lives of women and children. The film unmasks the silent struggle waged inside the homes against domestic violence.

“I am immensely proud of our stellar performance at Spikes Asia 2022 and I feel honoured and privileged to be leading a team of extremely talented and passionate people at Wunderman Thompson India," commented Wunderman Thompson South Asia’s CEO  Shams Jasani. "I congratulate our CCO, Senthil Kumar, Regional Creative Director, Tista and Senior NCD, Priya and their teams for producing path-breaking work with powerful social messages. Great way to kick start the year and we look forward to raising the bar and setting new benchmarks with our creative bravery.”

“In the business of ideas it doesn’t get bigger than the Grand Prix at Spikes Asia. Every idea that is ever born to solve a marketing problem dreams of growing up into a Gold Lion and if it’s truly blessed into a Gigantic Grand Prix at Spikes Asia," remarked Wunderman Thompson India chief creative officer Senthil Kumar. "We are very proud of our Creative Firepower at Wunderman Thompson that is connecting the dots between Creativity and Technology with every new idea every day. Our Senior Creative Leaders Tista and Priya are leading by example and this recognition on the biggest international stage will surely inspire everyone in the team towards greatness.”

Talking about "The Lost Daughters" campaign, Wunderman Thompson South Asia regional creative director Tista Sen said, “What a more befitting tribute to Women’s day than an idea which is fierce, challenges patriarchy and makes you acknowledge the hypocrisy in society. Lost Daughters is for every woman who knows the home she grew up in may not be welcoming anymore. It forces us to look at relationships and question how rescued girls are abandoned by their families because of social stigma and regressive pervasiveness.”

Commenting on her film, "The Hidden Truth," Wunderman Thompson India senior national creative director Priya Shivakumar said, “This is a special win for a writer and to have won it for a piece that was dedicated to sisterhood is the best kind of feeling. While all media and messaging directed people towards their homes, urging them to stay safe, the realisation that home was not a safe place for a few, while also giving them a safe way to reach out for help, became a small but meaningful way to draw attention to the 'Shadow Pandemic,' as it was called by UN Women.”