Amrita forays into OTT segment with Planetcast


Amrita forays into OTT segment with Planetcast

To deliver HD quality video content directly to the viewers via app and website.


Mumbai: Malayalam GEC Amrita has launched its OTT platform Amrita Live on Planetcast’s multiscreen digital platform on Monday.

Amrita Live will exclusively stream content related to spiritual leader Amritanandamayi Devi known to her devotees as Amma. As a part of the strategic partnership, Planetcast will host Amrita Live digital platform's content from its library comprising over 5,000 hours and various live events, it said in a media statement.

“By launching our own OTT platform, we will offer our target customers, the luxury of watching content as per their convenience. We are committed to adopting technological & digital solutions for improving the overall operations," said Amrita TV COO Jayakesh Nair.

Planetcast’s multiscreen digital platform is a SaaS platform, which offers an agile, advanced, easy to deploy, and easy to manage OTT ecosystem. “Amrita Live is actively strengthening its presence in the international market by launching its OTT service. Together, we will work for massive viewership with multilingual content through versatile apps available on popular platforms, devices, and appliances," said Planetcast Media Services COO Sanjay Duda.