Mumbai: Big CBS Spark, the youth channel from the JV between Reliance Broadcast Networks (RBNL) and CBS Corp, has bagged the television rights for a three-day musical event hosted by Lou Majaw?s as a tribute to Bob Dylan.
The event will be held in Shillong and with this move Big CBS Spark will make a debut in the north eastern region. The concert titled ?Knocked Out? and ?Loaded? will most certainly be a musical offering that will be unique and cannot be missed, the channel said.
With the exclusive television rights of the concert, the channel promises to take it to a national level and further strengthen its reach in what is known as the music hub of India.
Majaw lives Dylan?s music and hosts the concert each year on Dylan?s birthday. He pays tribute to the American singer-songwriter, musician and artist Dylan, by performing on some of his best songs. The concert will also witness some of the bands like Indus Creed performing and paying tribute to Dylan.