My Merging Lifestyles : Jiggy George

Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

A peek into Cartoon Network Enterprises India and South Asia director Jiggy George's mind. He tells Nidhi Jain about his interests, which are a very crucial part of his life.

Life for me is about merging things that are most important to me within and outside of work.
At work, life is about responding fast via technology, I am totally hooked to my Blackberry which has my data, schedules, emails etc. When changing gizmos, my research about new efficient gadgets ends with information from my close friends. I often carry a portable DVD player when I travel and a digital camera, as I love to do photography which is my most recent interests. I would love to own a single gadget with multiple functions to make things simpler but life that doesn't work that way.

My music flows seamlessly in my life from home, to car, to office or anywhere else I may be or travel. I am constantly hooked on to my ipod and have a Docker back at home and one at work, a road trip for my car and a small travel Docker for when I'm away.However I still have my old Panasonic deck only for nostalgia.

I am not greatly passionate about cars; however my favorite would be the BMW. For me in a city like Mumbai where you run at snails pace and are always threatened by scratches and dents, a car becomes just a mode of transport that takes one from place to place.

I grew up on the tradition of rock; after which there has been an eclectic and paradigm shift towards jazz and world music. I have recently started lessons in learning the Classical Guitar.

 I am equally a lover of art and have some interesting art in my private collection besides my own prints. I used to do these strange miniature black and white drawings. .

 I am passionate about travel. For travel within India, I think the Outlook Traveler is one of the best things that could happen to a discerning traveler. I have traveled quite a bit within Maharashtra to offbeat destinations and have also traveled to countries in Europe, Africa, South East Asia and parts of the US. Travel for me is an entirely cultural experience gathered by staying with locals and friends, savoring the native cuisine, being introduced to local music, history, art and architecture, cultural traditions, trends and lifestyles.

 As for cuisine I love Thai, Japanese and Indian cuisine. I feel sorry about how for people Indian food is about Northern Frontier cuisine with thick masala rich curries, where the taste of vegetables or the meat is completely lost. I love Gujarati and Maharashtrian food too. I can just about save myself during tough times when it comes to cooking.

I am a huge fitness freak, I think it's important to stay fit mentally and physically especially when one is constantly challenged by the enthusiasm and energy levels of the young fresh corporate breed. Yoga, running and sessions at the gym form my weekly fitness routine. I like team sports and as a kid played loads of soccer, hockey and cricket.

As one progresses in life, yoga is more like a spiritual and physical exercise. An hour of yoga is a great kick start to the day as it makes you mentally alert and the energy levels are much higher too. As for being intellectually fit, my work lends itself to lots of creative and mental gymnastics and challenges.

My personal philosophy in life is to stretch oneself to the extent possible, so that on the final day of reckoning what matters is that one can look back and say that was a good job done and a life truly enjoyed. Team