• I Have A Fetish For Gadgets: Anurradha Prasad

    Submitted by ITV Production on Sep 30

    In Conversation with Anurradha Prasad Managing Director, BAG Films Ltd.

    I start my day with

    I suffer from a chronic backache so I start my day with yoga and some stretches. Earlier on, I had a trainer coming home every morning but now I just do all the asanas and pranayams on my own. Must say, yoga is also a great stress buster for me.

    My diet mantra
    I am a vegetarian and prefer food which is low on oil and spices. Breakfast is mostly sprouts, cottage cheese or maybe soyabeans. Prefer to use olive oil in my food which is light on the stomach. Lunch is mostly some soup, followed by dal, roti and sabzi.

    I am not a very brand conscious person. Also, it's not like I grab things when I see them. I shop whenever I need to. For my western wear I prefer Armani suits. I mostly shop in London for my trousers where I get the right fabric and fitting. As far as Indian clothes go, I get them designed by Ritu Beri and Sapna Chopra.

    Don't like very heavy or garish clothes. If I have to go with my husband Rajiv Shukla for a political get-together or a party, I prefer a Indian look with some Zardosi work or a Lucknawi look. When its about my official meeting then I go in for a little classy upmarket look. Whenever, I need something special designed, I just call up my designer friend Sapna Chopra who sends me the right dress and the jewellery to go with it.

    Not very fond of gold jewellery. Prefer platinum, Kundan , Polki and Meenakari work.

    Travel Destination
    I love London and Dubai. Though Dubai is not so much of a tourist destination but everytime I go there I am really amazed at the progress the country has made. I also love exploring Paris and Italy.

    Favourite Car Brands
    I prefer cars which are spacious and functional. Currently, I drive a Lancer, a Toyota Corolla, Endeavor and Chevrolet Optra.

    Can't do without my 20GB - ipod digital music player. It carries upto 15,000 songs, so whenever I am on the move I freak out on all the latest Hindi as well as English songs.
    I have a great fetish for gadgets and gizmos. In fact, I keep upgrading my handsets all the time.

    I am currently using Sony Ericsson - P900 which has a high-quality camera phone, video recording and a good gaming experience. I recently bought a Nokia 6630 which is a portable office and a modern rich media machine. It has video editing, email, web browser with broadband as well as a support enhanced media gallery for storing photos.

    I also use Nokia 6680 which has two integrated cameras, video sharing capability, music player with stereo audio. It gives me a convenient email access with automatic download to send images and view documents while I am on the move.


    indiantelevision.com Team
  • Cooking And Cricket Are My Other Passions In Life

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

    "I believe in living life to the core. And I derive pleasure from doing simple things in life; be it just cooking up a meal, entertaining guests or just pursuing a game of cricket," says Ravi Rai as we settle down for a brief tete-e-tete. Dressed casually in a simple red T shirt and jeans, Rai welcomes us in his exquisitely done up apartment in Versova that reflects the man behind the veneer. A picture of his younger days adorns the wall, an Egyptian painting and collection of books in the library speak a volume about him.

    With his characteristic far-away look, he says, "my study is where I spend a major part of time reading and writing. But, then writing is only one of my passions. My career as a writer, director, producer has really been an accidental journey." And this coming from the man behind subtle serials like Kashish, Sailaab and Thoda hai thode ki zaroorat hai. I have no major ambitions like writing a master piece before dying," he further declares honestly. We wait for more as Rai reveals it all about his life and times.

    I've become spiritual in life
    "It's a rather mercurial business, sometimes it can put a creative person on a pedestal and the next moment you are out. Though it hurts, but then nothing is permanent in life. I've analysed life and now I've become spiritual in life. I believe in god and destiny. I do not believe in dreaming too big and losing my sleep over it.

    Cooking helps me unwind.
    Rai is passionate about cooking; so much so that he orders for different masalas like garam masala, nimboo, paani masala and lassi masala from various parts of the country. Recalling his childhood, he says, "As a child I had working parents. So, at the age of nine my father taught me how to cook dal chawal, since it's easy to make and is also a complete meal. So, whoever reached home early would cook for everyone. The habit stayed with me and later even during my struggling days in Mumbai at the age of 20, I used to cook parantha, sabzi , dal, chawal. Cooking helps me unwind

    Entertaining friends
    Weekends are a time when Rai along with wife Anita love to welcome friends home "It gives me tremendous satisfaction when I see people savour my dishes. We both cook up separate dishes. My Sindhi mutton recipe is a hit amongst all my friends. Anita, who is a Kashmiri, makes very good Italian and Kashmiri food. "

    And what are the other preparations he likes to make? "Anything that takes a long time to prepare," he quips. "I love making rajma and channa for that reason. So, does he indulge in day-to-day cooking too? "Of course ! Today I am preparing Chinese for my kids," he announces happily. Rai also tells us that one of his favourite pastime is watching matches with friends when he sometimes loves to surprise them by cooking a dish or two. That brings us to his other passion that is Cricket.

    Cricket talk
    " I am a member of a team called Upstagers which is led by Mahesh Manjrekar. Some of the other members are Shivaji Satam and Robin Bhatt. We have our practice sessions at he Kalina Ground in the wee hours of morning. Once a year we also go to Ajmer, Bhavnagar and Pune where we play against other teams. Next year I am looking forward to go to Goa to play a match against a team from England," says the 45 year old producer, who also does the treadmill and weights to remain fit.

    His mobile rings. We take some time to browse in his library where we find several books on travel. Talking about his passion for traveling he says, "I travel a lot with my family. I have a certain connection with Agra for some strange reason. Kerala is another place I love. I have also been to Bangkok many times. We had a good vacation in Seychelles recently. This summer we are planning to do Europe," concludes the simple man who believes in middle class values and derives pleasures out of ordinary things.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • Reading Appetite: MK Anand

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

    MK Anand, business head, Zoom has an eclectic taste in reading; but draws a sharp line when it comes to books on computer programming and engineering... in a candid chat with Nidhi Jain..

    Who introduced you to reading?
    My father is an avid reader. He describes his reading appetite as voracious.


    Kind of book collection you have
    History, Philosophy, Biology and Management.

    On favourite authors and well written books
    George Williams, Plan and Purpose in Nature. An absolute eye-opener in terms of understanding our motivations. To know why we do what we do. Brilliant Thyucidedes, The History, An account of the Peloponessian wars between Athens and Sparta.

    Do you find interesting things in every book, how do you choose books you read?
    Yes I do think that every book has something unique to offer. I choose books on instinct.

    What do you think of self help books?
    Not preferred.

    Money and time you spend on books

    Your reading pace
    Never in a hurry. About 40 - 50 pages a day when I am engrossed. Else about 10 pages.

    Your first book
    Nursery rhymes!! Then Enid Blyton, Franklin W Dixon.

    Browsing and e-reading
    Mainly Media Economics, for my PhD thesis.

    Currently you are reading
    Corporate Social Ethics, HBR .

    Books that do not hold you
    Computer Programming and Engineering books!!!

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • "I am a self confessed bookworm" - Zarina Mehta

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

    In Conversation With Zarina Mehta

    "My favourite thing in the world is to sit on a beach (preferably Goa), sip a cup of tea and read a good book. I've read and re-read some of my favourite books doing precisely this!

    I make it a point to read on all holidays, or in planes while travelling. Also, Sunday afternoons after a good dhansak lunch (or dimsum at Royal China) my husband Ronnie works on his computer, I sit by my balcony; which looks out on some beautiful trees, with my dog near my feet (snoring away), drink hot tea and catch up on a good book. My idea of happiness!

    I probably have over 500-600 books or maybe more. I buy at least 2-3 books a week and read them. In fact, many of them are still lying at my parents' house as there is no space for them in my home! Noone really knows what books I like or buy, since I don't ever lend my books nor do I borrow them. If I'm attached to any objects in this world - it's my books! I can't stand it when people fold the page of their books to serve as a bookmark. It sort of drives me crazy!

    My fetish and love for the printed word started when I was eight. Till then I was in the US and studied in an American public school. And when I came to India, many of my relatives sort of found it funny that I couldn't even read or write. To make up for the lost time, I took to reading with a vengeance. Now, I am a self-confessed bookworm."

    My favourite books

    " I keep away from books on the television industry since that is something that we deal with on a regular basis. My all-time favourite is Tolkein's, Lord of the Rings Trilogy; which I first read when I was 15. And recently I re-read it for the 9th time! It reminds me of the classic Don Quixote story? where a single, ordinary person fights against all odds to rise above the rest. And by far, the outcome is not important as Lord Krishna says in the Bhagwad Geeta. The fact that someone chooses to sacrifice themselves to fight for what is right is the key to this story.

    It is, in fact this story which influences me in everything I do. A single person can make the biggest difference. So I believe it's important to try regardless of the consequences. If you succeed, it's wonderful and if you fail, that's alright too - at least you tried. You learnt something. This is why we all are here.

    Some other books which I've enjoyed reading are Milan Kundera's - The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Gabriel Garcia Marquez's, Love in the time of Cholera; and more recently Kurban Said's Ali and Nino is another masterpiece. These books explore the various shades of a man-woman relationship.

    Some other authors I love are Amy Tan and Chitra Dwarka Banerjee, who have written some beautiful stories about women bonding; about the subtle yet strong relationships hey share.

    Vikram Chandra's Love and Longing in Bombay and Rohington Mistry's A Fine Balance, possibly the most exquisitely depressing book ever written. On a totally different track, I love books on Maths and Science and I've read all the Time & Life books from cover to cover! I remember reading another off-beat & fascinating book called The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav which is about the beauty of physics!

    Currently, I am reading...

    As of now, I am reading Swami Vivekananda's entire work. He is the most brilliant mind I've come across.His thoughts are a great source of knowledge and hope for all of us. I wish practitioners of today's so-called `Hindutva' read his books to understand the true meaning of Hinduism. I think, it's the most beautiful, tolerant and all-encompassing of philosophies. I am also onto another fascinating book by Thomas Friedman called The World is Flat. It clearly tells us that the future belongs to India and China."

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • "My Family Is A Real Stress Buster For Me" ; Manish Porwal

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

    I begin my day with
    These days, I start pretty early, that is, around 5.30 am. Getting my son ready for school is my responsibility. Once I send him to school, I steal an hour for a short nap. After the nap, I am off for a walk or a quick session of aerobics. I really don't have the time to visit the gym. Then I quickly get dressed and rush for office. Getting to office takes me around 40 minutes, and during that time I make and receive calls.

    My diet regime
    I believe, `your first meal should be the heaviest and last one the lightest.' So, I usually start with a wholesome breakfast which is lots of fruits or fresh juice. Sometimes it's an omlette or corn flakes and ginger tea. Lunch is all about just gobbling up something unless I have a lunch meeting when I end up eating more. My dinner is extremely light. I've just developed a sweet tooth, and I love to gorge on rasmalai, rasogullas and ice creams whenever possible.
    I don't have very strong likes or dislikes as far as food goes, but when I dine out it's mostly Chinese, Continental and Indian in that order. I love to dine out at the Chinese Room, Sampan and Swati Snacks in Mumbai.

    Quite often, my better half and I go out on shopping sprees. I am more into shopping than my wife and love to buy a variety of gadgets and clothes but I must admit that I am a pacca marwari and am not very brand conscious. Despite this, I do end up buying more stuff than I really need in life.
    I am very fond of watches. They should be functional, sturdy and smart. I have a Swatch, a Titan Edge, a Cartier and a 'Starcom' dial. I am very particular about my shoes and normally get them custom made especially from Jaipur which is my hometown.

    I am a travel freak
    I love travelling. I prefer train travel as compared to air travel. More than globetrotting, I love to discover and rediscover the mystique of India. Our country is really a miniglobe and there are fabulous places to visit here. I have seen most of the places in the southern and the northern part of the country. I am about to finish exploring the western region and yet to venture out to the far eastern parts of the country.

    My best holiday ever has been three years after my marriage; when the entire extended family went driving in a Sumo for an eight -day trip to Nainital, Ranikhet and Almora. It was an awesome journey because it was largely unplanned.
    Apart from this, my work often takes me to various places like - US, Australia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and other South East Asian countries. So, I often take some extra days off to explore tourist places.

    My relaxing mantra

    My professional life really keeps me busy all the time. There was a time when I used to think weekends are an interruption to work. But, I am much saner now! My family is a real stress buster for me. After my work, I love to go home and play with my two month old baby boy, and of course my elder son. I make it a point to travel at least twice a year with my family and look forward to the vacations.

    Gadgets & Gizmos
    I am not really a gizmo freak, but I am gizmo friendly. I don't like changing mobiles very often. I own a Panasonic D50 DVD camcoder, a Palm Treo 650, IPOD Photo and a Sony Cybershot.

    Favourite Car
    I love cars and I dream of cars. In fact, I love anything on four wheels even if it means driving a truck. I love to go for test drives and try out different types of cars. Currently, I drive the Accent GLS and my dream is to possess a Bimmer some day.

    On Books
    I don't spend too much on books; though my wife who's working with an insurance company does love to buy books. More than reading, I believe that I have learnt more from life. I like John Grisham and have read almost everything he's written till date. I have loved his Runaway Jury and The Broker.

    I have a fetish for movies
    I am a movie buff. I personally prefer Bollywood flicks as compared to Hollywood. I think our films are richer in texture and canvas, while Hollywood movies spend more money on technology. Having said that, I think Bollywood films are real paisa vasool.
    Amongst the recent films, I quite liked Black, Parineeta, Dus, My Wife's Murder and , Bunty aur Babli. I 've yet to see Iqbal.

    Some things I wish to do
    I think, if this industry was to sack me, I would have a lot of alternate professions. I would love to be a chauffeur, as I love cars. I love kids and can open a day care center one day. I think given my fetish for Bollywood flicks, I can even be a movie critic someday. I often find that the ratings, specific comments on direction, acting, screenplay and story given by me are almost similar to the ones given by some movie critics. I would, love to act in plays. I know, it requires time and training but one day, I am going to find the time for it.

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • I'm A Movie Buff: Shailesh Kapoor

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

    I begin my day
    I leave home early, that is around seven in the morning. I actually sacrifice my early morning sleep to make it to the gym, which is next to my work place. At the gym it's mostly a session of calisthenics. I lug my breakfast along with me, which is mostly some light sandwiches to go along with a nice hot cup of tea from office.

    My diet regime
    I don't follow a strict diet, but I am definitely careful about what I eat. If I happen to gorge on sweets and desert at night, I workout even more to compensate for it the next morning. To maintain myself, I often grab some low calorie food for lunch. Dinner is one meal of the day that I look forward, as after a long days' work I am usually at peace with myself. I love non- vegetarian food; in fact I must confess that I simply can't resist it. I freak out on chicken and prawns. To dine out I love going to Tantra in Andheri, and simply relish the sumptuous kababs at Bade Miyan in Colaba.

    I don't really shop much. And whenever I go shopping, I stick to branded stuff since I don't know how to bargain at all. Provogue is one brand I wear almost all the time. Apart from this, my other favourites remain Nike, Color Plus and Arrow. Since, I am not too much into shopping, I sometimes tell some of my very close friends my requirements and budget and they get it for me.

    Travel Destination
    I am extremely fond of travelling but unfortunately most of the time I am not able to. I normally don't like going out of India much, as I feel that India is in itself a mini globe. I had recently gone to Sikkim with a few friends. It was great fun remembering the good old days and pulling each other's leg.

    Relaxing Mantra
    I quite enjoy my work, so I don't really feel stressed. But after a long day at work, I love to generally relax and watch television or just chat with my friends. Watching television also keeps me well informed of all the happening around the world which is very important in our profession.

    In conversation wiith Shailesh Kapoor, Head of Marketing and Content, Filmy Sahara


    Gadgets and Gizmos
    Being an engineer I ought to love gadgets, but I am not really a gizmo freak. I own a Sony Ericsson K750 mobile phone. I do possess a DVD player and a laptop which are basic necessities for me. Though, I don't like to buy too many of gadgets & but I but I do like to read and know more about them.

    My Favourite Car
    I drive the Palio which I have been driving for the last three years. And for the near future, I want to possess a Mercedes, just as every one else.

    On Books
    I am not too fond of books. I think reading requires a lot of devotion and time. I am more of an outdoor person. So, even when I have time on hand I do not like returning home early from work. I would much rather go out with my friends rather than sit at home and read. Sometimes I read fiction if I am ever in a mood to read. Recently, I quite enjoyed reading Richard Barker's production management book- Goal.

    I have a fetish for
    I have a great fetish for movies. I just love watching movies and I am a self confessed movie buff. I prefer watching more of Bollywood masala stuff rather than Hollywood. My all time favourite is Sholay. I loved watching Lagaan and from the Hollywood world, I loved Devil's Advocate. Rishikesh Mukherjee, Ram Gopal Verma and Sanjay Leela Bhansali are some of my favourite directors.

    My idea of entertainment
    A movie followed by an amazingly planned dinner with friends or my near and dear ones, is something that brings out the real me. This is my idea of complete entertainment.

    indiantelevision.com Team
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