You could go places with ?Jumper? on STAR Movies!

Submitted by ITV Production on Sep 17, 2009

MUMBAI: Imagine if you had the power to transport yourself to any place on this earth at the bat of an eyelid? STAR Movies invites you to go ?globe trotting? with teleporter David Rice, with the time tripping tale ?Jumper? on September 19 at 9pm only on STAR Movies!

Based on a novel by Stephen Gould, the story follows the life of David Rice (Christensen, Factory Girl), who is a high-school student. He discovers by chance that he has a genetic anomaly that enables him to jump instantaneously to any place on earth!

Eight years later, David is living in a fancy apartment in New York and using his teleporting abilities to live a life full of adventure, traveling to the world?s most exotic places. He returns to his hometown to visit Millie (Bilson, The Last Kiss), his high-school crush and invites her travel with him to Rome. There they meet Griffin (Bell, Flags of Our Fathers), an experienced jumper, who warns him that a dangerous group of government hunters are after him, putting all those near him in danger. He thus finds himself in a war that has been raging for thousands of years between ‘Jumpers‘ and those who have sworn to kill them.

With unexpected cameos from Diane Lane and Kristen Stewart, ?Jumper? is promisingly an enjoyable movie!

So join the teleporter and his adventurous journey only on ?Jumper? Saturday, September 19 at 9 pm only on STAR Movies.