Pete Clifton is BBC News Interactive head

Pete Clifton is BBC News Interactive head

MUMBAI: Pete Clifton has been appointed BBC News Interactive head.

The role is responsible for all of BBC News' interactive and on-demand services including the BBC News website, Ceefax and Digital Text, interactive television and broadband services such as the News Player which provides news clips on demand, online.

BBC News director Helen Boaden says, "As well as strong journalistic credentials, Pete will bring great creative leadership, together with knowledge and enthusiasm to the role."

Clifton says, "I am delighted to be confirmed in the role. It's a really exciting place to be, with the move to digital and a truly on-demand news business. The outlook seems to change by the day, so it's going to be a real challenge for all of us. But there's a great team here and we'll have some fun along the way too."

Clifton has been acting in the role when the former head, Richard Deverell, became CBBC COO. Prior to his role as UK editor of the BBC News Website he was the Ceefax editor.