News Corp screens direct to mobile TV series in Cannes


News Corp screens direct to mobile TV series in Cannes

News corporation

CANNES: We have heard of direct to home television. Move over, its now time for direct to mobile television.

News Corp senior vice-president content and marketing Lucy Hood presented a new series developed specially for mobile. Titled Hotel Franklin, the series tells the story of a secretive spunky girl who is seen dating older men and the impact it has one the man who falls in love with her and her relationship with him.

Each episode has a duration of 60 seconds and consists of a tight screenplay written specifically for mobile viewing. The film has tightly edited shots which take the story from one point to another.

According to Hood, the series was developed by the FoxLabs team and it is a continuous initiative of Fox and News to be a pioneer in delivery of content. She said the company is in talks with several operators to deliver the series to their subscribers.

She was wary of revealing any numbers, excepting saying that the concept was in an experimentative stage and the company would look at every avenue to squeeze revenue from it.