Mudra Videotec hopes to have business plan for TV foray ready in a month


Mudra Videotec hopes to have business plan for TV foray ready in a month

Mudra Videotec

After a gap that has spanned some years, Mudra Videotec is putting in place plans to re-enter television software and is looking to have a business plan ready within a month.

Kaushik Roy, Mudra VideoTech CEO, said yesterday his company would be producing television software in several languages but would be working in collaboration with production houses. Mudra will be focussing on intellectual properties (IPs) and marketing and sales while leaving the facilities aspect to its partners. By facilities he meant studios, production hardware, etc, Roy said.

Mudra was in the process of recruiting people strong in programming and ad sales to man their offices in Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, Goyal said. It has already recruited staff in Mumbai. The setting up of teams in different cities was because there was a lot of scope in regional language channels, Roy said.

Asked what skills Mudra brought to the table in any collaboration considering it had been out of Television for a number of years, Goyal said there were essentially three factors which made an alliance with his company attractive: strengths in marketing and ad sales, ideas and concept generation and the brand Mudra which was attractive in itself.

Within a month the whole set-up will be in place and then we can go ahead, Goyal said when asked how long it would take to start operations.