CNN’s 'Talk Asia' features the founder of Oberoi Group

CNN’s 'Talk Asia' features the founder of Oberoi Group

CNN's Talk Asia

The 74-year-old hotelier P.R.S. Oberoi talks will feature on CNN's Talk Asia on 13 November at 9:30 am. The talk show will air at 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm also on the same day.

At the interview Oberoi talks about the influence of his father, founder of The Oberoi Group, on his life and career while reminiscing his first taste of the hospitality industry in his younger years.

In the half-hour interview, Oberoi also discusses the loss of his father, his mentor, and shares some of the lessons he learned before inheriting the hotel business.

In the course of the interview, Oberoi discloses some of his passions and hobbies outside of work, including breeding horses and polo-ponies and his involvement in the World Wide Fund for Nature. The interbiew concludes with he sharing his aspirations of having his son Vikram and nephew Arjun take over the family business.

The show will air its repeat telecast on 14 November at 8:30 pm as well as on 15 November at 9:00am.