CBS showcases its social endeavors; reports released

CBS showcases its social endeavors; reports released


MUMBAI: CBS, in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) endeavor, has catalogued efforts by its television network, programming arms and local television stations has released a 94-page social responsibility report.

This comes as the second edition which spans the previous calendar year, encompassing activities of all divisions of CBS, including CBS Entertainment, CBS News, CBS Sports, the Viacom Television Stations Group and UPN.

Additionally, for the first time, Infinity broadcasting, the owner of 184 market-leading stations, has issued a report highlighting its efforts in community outreach, programming and commitment to local artists.

"We've always believed that being a corporate citizen and giving back to the communities we serve is not just good for business, but part of what it means to be a broadcaster," said CBS chairman and Viacom co-president and co-CEO Leslie Moonves, "These reports highlight the efforts both CBS and Infinity have made in important areas like outreach, programming, dedication and support of local talent, and diversity, and they serve as a guide for us as we continue to make these missions a priority at the highest levels of this company."

The reports entail Diversity Initiatives, including the recently-formed CBS Diversity Institute, its talent showcases, industry-partners, as well as the programs offered through CBS News and the Viacom Television Stations;

.Local public-interest programming like food and clothing drives, disaster preparedness, tax help and health seminars; on-air programs and events sponsored by Infinity.
.Broadcasting stations highlighting music and performances by local musicians in their markets.
.Accessible Media programs like closed-captioning? and Second Audio Programming, which CBS continues to be a leader in providing.
.National and local broadcast of public service? announcements for causes like responsible drinking, child abuse prevention, HIV awareness, racial tolerance, alcohol and substance abuse, parenting, violence prevention and hunger/ disaster relief.
.Infinity Radio Connect," a series of national? interviews and call-in specials with government leaders like Sen.
.Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, which were made available to many Infinity stations throughout the year.
.Local broadcasts of community parades, festivals? and fund-raisers, as well as the sponsorship of hundreds of local community events like food and clothing drives and telethons.
.CBS News' coverage of the war in Iraq, including? its "embedded" soldiers. Also highlighted are many of the hundreds of stories produced by CBS News that have affected - and in many cases benefited - the lives of viewers.

"We're very proud to issue these two comprehensive reports - they are representative of the contributions our company has made throughout the country, on both a local and national level," said CBS communications group executive vice president Gil Schwartz, "This is a yearly effort we make to highlight our achievements in these important areas."