Discovery announces tie-up with Lance Armstrong Foundation

Discovery announces tie-up with Lance Armstrong Foundation

BANGALORE: Discovery Channel had announced an association with the Lance Armstrong Foundation that includes sponsorship of his team and programming initiatives across Discoverys US and international networks.

The partnership is set to commence from 1 January, 2005.

Although the association is effective from the New Year, the deal was actually signed in June 2004.

The parternship includes elements such as sponsorship of Armstrong's team and programming initiatives across Discoverys US and international networks.

The foundation was created before Armstrong's recovery from cancer and is dedicated to helping people with the disease around the world receive practical, up-to-date information and the tools they need to survive and live strong. The foundation is globally recognised symbol where in a yellow wristband is engraved with Armstrongs motto.

The yellow wristband engraved with the six-time Tour de France winner cycling champs motto "Live Strong!".

Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer about seven years ago. The disease spread to his abdomen, lungs and brain and his chances for survival were put at 50-50. Undeterred, Lances competitive spirit won out after a regimen of physical conditioning along with a strong support system.

Educating himself about the disease, Lance underwent treatment and beat cancer. On 24 July, 2004, Lance Armstrong became the first six-time winner of the Tour de France.