Pentamedia FY-02 net down 35.7%


Pentamedia FY-02 net down 35.7%


Animation major Pentamedia Graphics Ltd has posted a net profit of Rs 987.40 million for the financial year ended 31 March, 2002 as compared to Rs 1535.5 million in the previous financial year.

Total income has decreased from Rs 5701.6 million in FY-01 to Rs 4618.80 million in the year ended 31 March, 2002.

The company has posted a net profit of Rs 105.1 million for the quarter ended 31 March, 2002 as compared to Rs 337.60 million in the corresponding period last fiscal. Total income has decreased from Rs 1452.70 million in the quarter ended 31 March, 2001 to Rs 641.30 million in the quarter ended 31 March, 2002.

The consolidated results are as follows:

The company has posted a net profit of Rs 1314.50 million for financial year ended 31 March, 2002. The total income for FY-02 is Rs 6611.70 million.

The company has posted a net profit of Rs 152.50 million for MQ 2002. The total income is Rs 1259.30 million for MQ 2002.

The board has recommended a dividend of 50 paise per shareand approved the issue of bonus shares at the rate of equity share for every 10 equity shares held.

The Board of Directors of Pentamedia Graphics Ltd has approved the increase of Authorised Share Capital from Rs 750 million to Rs 1500 million and the company proposes a further issue of shares in the ensuing AGM. The board has deferred the decision of sub-division of equity shares.