Brand-comm 'webinar': Consumer insight best tool

Brand-comm 'webinar': Consumer insight best tool

MUMBAI: Consumer trends on the web were discussed at Brand-comm‘s web seminar BrandWidth Online 2006.


The seminar was addressed by Titan Industries managing director Bhaskar Bhat, McCann Erickson president Santosh Desai and Brand-comm CEO Ramanujam Sridhar.


The seminar drove home the thought that consumer insight is the greatest tool, after all for marketers who want to keep pace in the changing market scenario.

Some interesting questions to the panelists were on the movement behind the traditional Indian woman rising above her passivity, on consumer insights providing the way-forward for marketers and the role of technology in the consumer decision process. The panelists discussed the ‘More-Mania‘ and the key drivers of consumer behavior in India.

The seminar had 78 participants who logged in from different parts of the country.