Digitisation at one-third of the investments by MSOs, claims JAINHITS


Digitisation at one-third of the investments by MSOs, claims JAINHITS

NEW DELHI: A campaign “Cable ka Shahenshah, DTH ka Baap” has been launched by JAINHITS, India’s only HITS based Direct to Network (DTN) service, relating to quality of services and its ability to deliver digitised content across terrains, anywhere in India.


JAINHITS technology in partnership with Motorola (now ARRIS) and IntelSat offers a unique proposition to the LCOs (local cable operators) of an overnight plug and play digitisation solution that comes for an investment as low as Rs 4.99 lakh only. This makes them fulfill Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) guideline requirements of All India digitisation by 31 December 2014.


The HITS platform claims that if the 6,000 odd MSOs were to digitise their networks, they would require an investment of up to Rs 3 crores per MSO, thereby costing approximately Rs 18,000 crores as mere investments. JAINHITS on the other hand can provide direct services to over 60,000 LCOs spread across India with average investment of only Rs. 10 lakh per operator, thereby digitising the country for just Rs 6,000 crore, which is one-third of the investment required by MSOs. Thus, the massive saving of Rs. 12,000 crore is being passed on to the customers by providing cheaper services with enhanced quality viewing.


Moreover, JAINHITS “Go Digital” entry scheme strategy will help LCOs to increase their subscriber base manifold in a short span of time. Not only this, through this partnership model LCO will witness significant increase in their customers ARPUs which are likely to double in 2014-15 with broadband and other VAS product/service roll outs. All this put together will help JAINHITS LCO partners enhance their business and earnings.


With a mere investment of Rs 4.99 Lakh, an LCO will get all the necessary help in terms of technology, content and Set Top Boxes that will enable them to operate independently. JAINHITS offers LCO’s new product/ service roadmaps to address the ever- evolving market and customer needs along with the full technology solution roadmap for cable TV network upgradation. In addition, LCO’s also receive all necessary training on technical, legal, product, consumer satisfaction, compliance aspects etc. which facilitates them to offer standardised services.


JAINHITS is the only platform in the country, offering complete empowerment and ownership to even the smallest LCO by making him a Leader and Cable Owner and an ISO (Independent Service Operator).


JAINHITS national sales head Jeet Narayan Singh said, “In our endeavor to enable 60,000 small and medium operators to become MSOs and go digital independently, we are offering end to end single window solutions. JAINHITS offerings are fully DAS compliant with wider choice of channels that are cost effective and fastest way to offer Digital Cable services in any part of India. Our Broadband offering gives additional edge to ISOs and helps them to increase their revenues.”


Through this engagement, JAINHITS provides subscriber management system (SMS), which empowers LCOs to manage his own customer base and offer, customized packs to its subscribers. In addition to this, JAINHITS LCO will be able to manage billing and create his own subscriber records as required by regulators. The SMS also provides an inventory management system and MIS system which enables the LCO to operate his business, generate reports and manage taxation etc.