Unesco and Microsoft recognize creative use of technology in education

Unesco and Microsoft recognize creative use of technology in education

MUMBAI: Unesco and Microsoft have joined forces to recognize and reward teachers from Europe, West Asia and Africa for new uses of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) at the Innovative Teachers Forum 2007 taking place at Unesco Headquarters and the Louvre Museum in Paris.

During the two-day event held under the auspices of the French Education Ministry, more than 200 teachers representing 40 countries from across the three regions will share best practices, network and explore new and creative ways to improve education and enrich learning for millions of children around the world using Technology. Other event sponsors include Café Pédagogique, France’s largest online community of educators, national television station France 5, Le Louvre and Samsung.


“We are delighted to host this year’s Innovative Teachers Forum,” said Abdul Waheed Khan, Assistant Unesco Director-General for Communication and Information. “Unesco has long been committed to harnessing information and communication technologies to improve education. ICT can contribute to the quality of all types of education, formal and informal, and at all levels. It can also help the international drive to provide inclusive quality education for all by the year 2015.”


The objective of the conference is to enable teachers to share their passion for teaching and showcase the innovative use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in their schools. Teachers‘ initiatives range from incorporating the internet and online courses in curricula, to interactive classroom exercises, through the use of blogs and digital portals for teachers, students and parents for interactive coursework, evaluation, feedback and dialogue.

The Innovative Teachers Forum supports the 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for literacy and digital inclusion by helping to build a global community of educators that share ideas, classroom practices using ICT, and above all a common passion for learning. The 200 participants from 40 countries qualified for the event in national competitions that were held to recognize innovative teaching.

This year’s forum focuses on “the four C’s”: Celebration, Collaboration, Community and Content. It will include keynote presentations, roundtables, a best practice sharing showcase and exhibition, and a special event sponsored by Le Louvre which will foster teambuilding, creativity and forward-thinking among the teachers in a competitive manner.

“Through public-private partnerships we are working together to ensure the latest technology and resources are made available to global teaching communities while fostering high standards of learning,” said Alan Yates, Worldwide Managing Director for Education Programs at Microsoft. “To date, our Partners in Learning curriculum has enhanced the learning experience for more than 2 million primary and secondary school students globally.”

The Innovative Teachers Program is part of Microsoft’s worldwide Partners in Learning initiative. Through Partners in Learning, Microsoft is providing significant investments of software and cash grants to deliver ICT skills training, tailored curriculum development, technical support, and research funds and resources to students and teachers. As part of the initiative, Microsoft collaborates with local and international experts and seeks to increase access to latest computer technologies in educational institutions.