Embedded media player boosts audience of BBC's news & sport websites

Embedded media player boosts audience of BBC's news & sport websites

MUMBAI: UK pubcaster the BBC has announced that The Embedded Media Player, rolled out on the BBC News and Sport websites a month ago, has helped increase the plays and daily unique users by more than 50 per cent.

Video and audio clips are now embedded within story pages on the sites, allowing users to access the content more easily and send on to their friends.


On bbc.co.uk/news the average number of daily unique users of audio and video has risen from 528,000 to 762,000, while average daily plays of content have increased from 636,000 to 978,000. Click throughs – when a user chooses to access audio or video from a text story page – are up from an average of 2.5 per cent to 20 per cent, with some stories as high as 90 per cent, the pubcaster claims.

Some of the highest impact videos have included footage of the Burma cyclone with 248,000 views on 6 May, the BBC exposing a Facebook flaw with 303,000, and Ronnie O‘Sullivan‘s 147 break at the World Snooker championship with 157,143.

BBC head of editorial development, multimedia journalism Pete Clifton said: "The embedded player really does justice to all our fantastic video and audio clips and we are delighted it has been so well received by the users of our News and Sport sites. Our mission is to make our content easier to find, play and share, and the embedded player hits all those aims perfectly."