American Oncology Institute (AOI) launches the industry-first "The Breast Cancer Push Away Bra"

American Oncology Institute (AOI) launches the industry-first "The Breast Cancer Push Away Bra"

It has been designed by Havas Life Sorento to encourage breast self-check-up.

Mumbai: American Oncology Institute (AOI), a South Asian leading cancer hospital chain has launched the #ThePinkRibbonCollection, designed by Havas Life Sorento to encourage breast self-check-up to raise awareness about breast self-check-up in India. The campaign serves as a personal reminder to every woman to examine herself for early indicators of breast cancer and to make this a habit by including it into their daily routine.

The goal of the limited edition "The Breast Cancer Push Away Bra - a 6-step reminder to support breast cancer" was to encourage women to voice their thoughts about breast cancer without fear or stigma in order for it to resonate with other women by initiating dialogue on social media and leveraging the reach of influencers. The campaign reached audiences in 16 locations, garnering a social media audience of more than 3.2 million and a total media reach of 62 million. The digital campaign is currently active on AOI's social media networks, and it has also been published in 10+ states through outdoor and other in-house advertising. All above-the-line and below-the-line activities across all units include a QR code that goes to AOI's YouTube channel on the 6-step breast self-check-up guide. The Pink Ribbon Collection - limited edition of the Breast Cancer Push Away Bra was also unveiled during the Manipur Fashion Extravaganza 2022 (MFE).

Cancer Treatment Services International (CTSI) campaign brand lead Tina Choudhury commented on the campaign saying, “At American Oncology Institute, we believe in encouraging people for early diagnosis of cancer and regular screening. Awareness is the key to early detection of cancer which also resonates in all our brand campaigns. With the increasing rate of cancer in the country, it is imperative to spread awareness about early detection and diagnosis of various types of cancers. Even if women are aware of breast self-check-up, it is not being practiced enough. The Pink Robbin Collection campaign will serve as a personal reminder for women for breast self-check-up while making it a daily body care ritual. With the limited edition of the Breast Cancer Push Away Bra, we have taken a bold step of printing the 6-step of breast self-check-up on the bra. The collection is not for commercial purposes but a social cause to start a dialogue on social media through influencers.

As influencers are the key consumer-driving medium, our focus is on leveraging the power of influencers and tapping into their network for wider audience reach. We intend to escalate the conversations around the immediate need for regular breast self-check-up. This will empower women to take the first step towards breast self-check-up and support breast health.”

“While there are many campaigns that have successfully raised awareness about breast self-check-up, we wanted to go a step further and talk to women when they were most open to the idea of breast self-check-up to turn this awareness into action. So, we re-designed the greatest breast health support into a reminder through a simple innovation,” said Havas Life Sorento chief creative officer Sachin Talwalkar.

"We realised that while women were aware of the '6-steps,' they rarely followed up on it, owing to busy schedules or general lack of concern," added Havas Life Sorento CEO & Havas Health & You Middle East regional head Sangeeta Barde. “As a result, we saw it as a challenge to think outside the box. It is critical that breast health extends beyond just discussion, and with the Breast Cancer Push Away Bra, we aimed to do it in a way that would attract the most eyeballs and have greater impact."