“Unlike all other mature industries like travel and automobile, the healthcare and surgery sector is still unexplored to quite an extent”: HexaHealth’s Ankur Gigras & The Yellow Shutter’s Dilpreet Kaur Sandhu

“Unlike all other mature industries like travel and automobile, the healthcare and surgery sector is still unexplored to quite an extent”: HexaHealth’s Ankur Gigras & The Yellow Shutter’s Dilpreet Kaur Sandhu

Both of them talk about the brand, its latest campaign and more.

Mumbai: Health issues are undoubtedly a serious matter, but communication about the same need not necessarily be serious and gloomy. And so proves HexaHealth, a health tech platform with the largest network of hospitals across the country for a seamless surgery experience and aims to bring transparency and accessibility into healthcare.

HexaHealth, a start-up that provides invaluable support to patients facing prospective surgery, recently launched its latest brand campaign that reaffirms that it’s there for them - #surgerykeharmodpe, in a humorous style.

Putting things into perspective, the healthcare market in India is over US$ 150 billion with hospitalization itself accounting for approximately 70 per cent of it at US$ 90-100 billion. Health-tech is beginning to disrupt this market and hence the potential for growth is huge. In every mature industry, the tech players capture around 10-15 per cent market in the mature stage and the same should happen in healthcare too.

The stages of these disruptions are different in different segments of healthcare. For e.g. e-pharma and e-diagnose players account for 3-5 per cent of the overall market while hospitalization players are not even at one per cent currently.

In this 21st century, everything happens at the press of a button. However, surgery remains a stressful physical procedure requiring expert medical intervention and seemingly endless support from family, friends and well-wishers. Over the past year and a half, HexaHealth has successfully simplified surgery procedures for thousands of patients.

The brand’s latest campaign has been made on a beautiful concept that promises that the entire process – from identifying a suitable doctor to making all arrangements at the hospital on surgery day to a successful recovery post the surgery - can be seamless with HexaHealth. HexaHealth’s assistance is just a call / click away!

The campaign video, made in a uniquely optimistic tone, reassures the patients that they can forget the anxieties of surgery and be at complete ease about their health issue and its treatment. The underlying message is mental and emotional relaxation for the patient and his family.

 Indiantelevision.com caught up with HexaHealth co-founder & CEO Ankur Gigras and the creative agency behind the film - The Yellow Shutter head of business growth and strategy Dilpreet Kaur Sandhu and chatted with them about the brand, the creative thought behind this campaign, the advertising and marketing strategies that the brand plans to utilize, and more.

Edited excerpts:

On the brief that was given by the client for this campaign

Sandhu: The brief was crystal clear, how do we communicate to our audience about the HexaHealth advantage? The word surgery itself brings jitters to people and with all the apps and the possibilities around us, who should one ‘trust’ to give them the right advice and to guide one in the direction that would simplify the complexities end to end? HexaHealth wanted to create something a bit quirky but at the same time showcase to its audience the perfect partner for all surgeries.

On the creative thought behind such a film

Sandhu: #SurgeryKeHarModPe - The idea was to create something simple yet meaningful. Something that talks about ‘trust’ and a partner that provides neutral and transparent surgery information. A trustworthy friend who will provide a one-stop solution for surgery information and discovery and assistance with pre and post-op journey until complete recovery. The ads wanted to make sure that surgeries may sound overwhelming, but with HexaHealth, you can leave all that aside and focus on your or your loved ones' needs without any hassle.

On taking a quirky route to drive home the message. Health is usually a serious and emotional issue, and most campaigns portray that.  But what made you finalise such a creative?

Sandhu: Healthcare has become a priority and a necessity in this day and age. Especially the after-effects of the pandemic that we all went through as a generation, there is fear related to healthcare and a lot of worries. The idea was to showcase something lighthearted and simplified, exactly how HexaHealth tries to simplify it for its audience.

On choosing to take to advertising after a year and a half? What kind of an advertising and marketing strategy have you planned for the brand?

Gigras: HexaHealth has been consistent when it comes to advertising since the initial months of existence. We always have a digital-first approach and have focused on building the brand presence on social media platforms, Youtube and SEO from day one through content primarily, and have been increasing our advertising gradually on YT, Meta, Instagram & PR. However, we launched our brand film after a year and a half because we wanted to get the messaging right. We invested a lot of time in interacting with and analysing our end consumers and understanding the greatest pain points while undergoing surgery. This indeed helped us in improving our brand communications & drawing the user persona. We wish to remain consistent in our Advertising & marketing approach across all digital platforms and impact more patient lives across the country. HexaHealth wants to be synonymous with surgery Information centre of the country. We would also be open to exploring more traditional channels as well in the near future.

Like TATA 1mg is synonymous with medical information, we intend to be the platform synonymous with surgery information and discovery. We are working toward building India's largest hospital network and ensuring a hassle-free experience for the patient at the hospital, basically taking away that feeling of loneliness/ helplessness at the hospital. In addition, we will also help the patient in their post-op care like lab tests, follow-up consults, or physiotherapy.

On the other popular health-tech brands (organised and unorganised market) that HexaHealth competes with, in the Indian market?

Gigras: Unlike all other mature industries like travel and automobile, the healthcare and surgery sector is still unexplored to quite an extent. We believe the HexaHealth brand can aggregate this space as a neutral platform which provides the user with the right information and the most efficient care. HexaHealth aims to provide the user with transparent surgery information leading to efficient care and recovery. There are many very few companies that are similar to HexaHealth, but if you have to compare, the closest competes would be Pristyn Care, Practo Care Surgeries and Credihealth.

On the important markets for HexaHealth in India

Gigras: Primarily Tier 2 and beyond where information is extremely scarce and people struggle to find the right options for their treatment. Everyone thinks of international patients when they talk about medical tourism, but it happens in our own country as well where patients from Tier 3 and 4 travel to Tier 1 and 2 for their treatments.

On your TG (target group) for the brand

Gigras: A typical consumer of HexaHealth would be someone in the age group of 25-55 years, a male or female who is tech savvy and socially active & lives in a metro city or tier II city.

Primary target audience: The upper middle class. The settled middle-aged and older professionals, the arriving, upwardly mobile young couples with and without kids, dinks, the newly employed migrants to the big city, and such. These are professionals who get most of their information on social media and online, they consume OTT, eat/order out and shop online. They are aware and exposed and consumerist. They have earned their stature and do not have any qualms about displaying it like their parents perhaps did. They are SEC B+ or behave like SEC B+ when it comes to spending or seeking value.

 Secondary target audience: The new in the online space, experimental early adopters in the satellite towns that surround big cities and in Tier II/III/IV cities. Their points of reference come from the big city near them. Way of life, studies, profession, healthcare etc. They look up to the big cities. Shopping on Amazon, for instance, is a little bit of that action. Going online is what makes them lose geographical restraint and feel empowered.

On expanding the brand presence in the country - online and offline

Gigras: HexaHealth will continue to have a digital-first approach as the patients are spending increasingly more amount of time online. Going forward we would love to build a comprehensive strategy that leverages a mix of digital and traditional marketing channels to reach a wider audience and build brand recognition.

Optimise the digital marketing strategy on a continuous basis: With increasing usage of internet and smartphones in the country- having a strong and wise digital presence in very crucial. We wish to drive online visibility and traffic to the website by focusing on SEO, SMM, Email marketing & Content marketing.

Have a strong social media presence: We wish to engage with consumers and increase brand awareness by having a strong presence on Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook & Twitter.

Participate in industry events and conferences: Attending industry events and conferences to connect with potential customers and partners, build brand recognition, and establish our brand in the industry.

Partner with Influencers: Collaborating with influencers to build our brand presence and reach out to new audiences through social media.

Leverage traditional marketing channels: While our primary focus will always be online marketing but down the line we wish to also have a strong presence in print ads, billboards, radio, and TV ads. It will be effective in diving deeper into local audiences and building brand awareness in specific regions or cities.

On the media mix that is planned for the brand. Digital is going to be the future – how is it an important part of the media plan for HexaHealth?

Gigras: The pandemic has certainly brought healthcare up the list of priorities right to the top for everybody.

Even in this awakened scenario, it is important to note that when a patient has to go for hospitalization, there is no clarity and transparency when it comes to choosing the right hospital/ surgeon, the overall price for the treatment, or pre and post-op care, unlike any other mature industry like travel or automobile sales. With the pandemic, this has been a problem that people have faced. People no longer only search for information alone on procedures and treatment, they have begun to find complete solutions online. Hence, the media mix for HexaHealth will be digital-first with a strong presence on Youtube, OTT, Instagram, Facebook & other social media channels. This will be in addition to the continuous optimisation of our online performance ads & SEO.

Down the line, we wish to also have a strong presence in traditional marketing channels like print ads, billboards, radio, and TV. This will be effective in diving deeper into local audiences and building brand awareness in specific regions or cities.

On the brand considering newer methods of advertising and marketing the brand

Gigras: HexaHealth has focused on building a strong Social media presence since day 1 of its operation. With so much information asymmetry and lack of authentic information in a single forum, our aim has been to make information around surgery accessible to everyone, in an entertaining way.

Instagram laying increasing focus on reels and Youtube on short-form content like YT shorts- our focus has been to create short-form content around surgery and general health tips to spread awareness among the audience. We want everyone to view health content with a positive outlook just like other forms of content around beauty & fashion, lifestyle and sports. HexaHealth will provide the user with transparent surgery information leading to efficient care and recovery.