OnePlus launches “Before They Fade Away” campaign to capture moments and wonders of life

OnePlus launches “Before They Fade Away” campaign to capture moments and wonders of life

In the first chapter of the campaign, OnePlus works with photographer Brayden Hall.

Mumbai: OnePlus is on a mission of using technology for a better life and innovating for a sustainable future. The brand’s latest effort is the multi-chapter “Before They Fade Away” campaign to drive attention to the less visible, inspiring all to cherish the world we live in.

Explore the Wonders of Nature 

In the first chapter of the “Before They Fade Away” campaign, OnePlus worked with adventure and landscape photographer Brayden Hall to unveil in front of the public the imminent threats to plant biodiversity. 

In February 2023, Hall journeyed over 2,500 miles through the wild west in the United States with his partner Chelsea Mealo and adventurous pup Ranger. From the magical Columbia River Gorge and the other-worldly land of Mount Shasta, to the iconic Oregon Coast and the wildflower blooms along the beaches of California, the trio road-tripped in a campervan from Seattle Washington to California in search of various plants – before they perished.

Unlike the decline of the emblematic animals, the anonymity and ordinary appearance of the rare, often vulnerable plant species mean that they are often ignored and forgotten. Unbeknown to most, two in five of the world’s plant species are on the brink of extinction*. Habitat loss is the biggest hazard to plant biodiversity. Sadly, people hardly notice they are disappearing.

This startling fact prompted OnePlus to acknowledge the importance and urgency to celebrate these extraordinary plant species, and share the amazing stories that the world should hear.

The Untold Stories of the Incredible World of Plants 

Travelled with OnePlus’ latest flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 11 5G, Hall captured the fleeting beauty of the awe-inspiring nature world through the phone lens, and shined spotlight on two vulnerable plants including –

Coastal Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) is one of the most amazing species in the world due to its sturdy, robust, and vigorous trunk. Dubbed the world’s tallest tree species, Coastal Redwoods reach up to 380 feet in height and 29 feet in diameter. They are commonly found in humid coastal areas alongside the Pacific Ocean of North America, before 96 percent of them had been lost to logging, the unprecedented climate challenges have also lowered the odds of their survival. Coastal Redwoods is also a long-lived organism, it can live up to 2,000 years. Some of them living today were alive during the time of the Roman Empire. This gives it the outstanding capability of storing carbon dioxide. Research findings suggest that Coastal Redwoods store more carbon dioxide per acre than any other trees in the world due to its longevity. 

Coastal Redwoods taken by OnePlus 11 Pro Mode in RAW Plus Format
Coastal Redwoods taken by OnePlus 11 Pro Mode in RAW Plus Format

Bishop Pine (Pinus muricata) is mainly found in relict stands along the coast of California. Bishop Pine has been assessed for the IUCN Red List of threatened species. The reason for its decline is not clear, but according to research conducted by botanical scholars, the absence of wildfire might be a factor, due the surprising fact that Bishop Pine is a fire dependent and late-maturing species. Cones are produced every year but they remain closed, until opened by fire or strong heat, they then release seeds and disperse onto the newly-burned ground where they germinate. 

Bishop Pine taken by OnePlus 11 Pro Mode in RAW Plus Format

Hall’s adventure did not only lead him to other beautiful native plants, it also instilled in him a sense of urgency on the importance of conservation. All of the other plants, be they endangered or not, are essential to maintaining a balanced and thriving eco-system.

Calla Lily taken by OnePlus 11 Portrait Mode

Ponderosa Pines and Juniper Trees taken by OnePlus 11 Pro Mode in RAW Plus FormatCaption

Field Mustard taken by OnePlus 11 Portrait Mode

Field Mustard taken by OnePlus 11 Portrait Mode

A Heart of Green

OnePlus envisions to be “a healthy company that endures”. It has been walking the walk, and forging sustainability progress over the years.

In addition to environmental-friendly packaging and complimentary system updates to extend the product life cycle, OnePlus has also partnered with climate action organization Ecologi and pledged to plant a tree in a dedicated forest area across the world for every OnePlus device returned, thereby encouraging users to recycle and minimize tech waste.

This current chapter of the “Before They Fade Away” campaign brings a new perspective to consumers as OnePlus continues its sustainability effort. The company is committed to making a positive impact in the world we live in, while moving toward a more sustainable operation.