Mothercare India bold new campaign encourages mothers to be confident about their imperfections

Mothercare India bold new campaign encourages mothers to be confident about their imperfections

#NotAPerfectMom campaign creates an outreach of over 4 million+ young mothers in 3 weeks

Mothercare India

MUMBAI:  A bold new campaign launched by Mothercare India aims to challenge the stereotypical concept of Motherhood by encouraging them to accept their imperfections. In the campaign, called #NotAPerfectMom, a cohort of young mothers take center stage sharing their own stories in an attempt to challenge the societal binary of 'perfect' and 'imperfect'. The campaign features endearing young mothers, multi-tasking between a brood of demanding children, a career and endless combinations of tasks and chores at once, all day long. #NotAPerfectMom reassures supermoms that it is perfectly acceptable to be imperfect.

The idea behind the campaign was to encourage mothers to rejoice the journey of motherhood and get away from preconceived notions that have been imposed through ages. It reiterates the fact that the only thing a mother should expect in her day-to-day is to embrace the unexpected and experience the wonderful liberating feeling of being just a mom & to let go. This allows room to recognize one's true strengths and confront weaknesses.

User-generated content on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube across eleven cities in India resulted in a massive virtual community of young mothers all resonating with the idea that motherhood is perfectly imperfect. The campaign which commenced on 14 April 2019 also extended to the exclusive Mothercare stores in India accelerating the engagement through a direct outreach with young mothers.

The brand spokesperson mentioned, “Motherhood is more than just the child and should also centre around the mother. At a time when mothers are tasked with several chores concurrently, it is time that the society rises up to the occasion and revisits its own archaic misconceptions and accepts the challenges that naturally come with modern-day motherhood. #NotAPerfectMom is a fresh new initiative and a step change in challenging the societal stereotypes around motherhood ”. 

The campaign saw young mothers from Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Noida, Gurugram, Navi Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, and Chennai participated whole-heartedly in this first of its kind initiative. 

Being an unconvetional mother is the new norm. Adapting to situations that make us fall outside of the norm, not doing things perfectly always but being the best and always doing what is right. This is the ethos of #NotAPerfectMom campaign.