IBN-Lokmat touches a cord with differently abled Naseema Hurzuk

Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 05, 2010

MUMBAI: As a gesture towards paying tribute to the differently privileged section, the coming episode of IBN-Lokmat Great Bhet will feature the specially enabled Naseema Hurzuk. Nikhil Wagle, Editor, IBN-Lokmat attempts to strike a cord with Naseema in an exclusive Great Bhet on Saturday, 6th February 2010 at 9:30 pm.

Taking part in sports and cultural activities, Naseema was an active teenager till the age of 16. Young Naseema‘s world came to a standstill at this tender age when she was stung by paraplegia, rendering her lower body completely immobile. Enlightening the viewers of IBN-Lokmat Great Bhet, Naseema will talk about her struggling fight to emerge as a strong survivor.

Sharing her awe inspiring, motivational story, Naseema will talk about her 23 year old crusade for rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The iron lady heads the ‘Helpers of the Handicapped‘- an organization for the disabled, started in Kolhapur in 1983. Lending a helping hand to more than 4500 persons in order to make them self-reliant, Naseema has taken this lifetime mission to help physically challenged people. The main vision behind Naseema‘s endeavour is to facilitate persons with disabilities to become productive and self-supportive citizens leading fuller lives with dignity.

The episode will catch some intense moments of this eminent personality talking about the inspiration behind her success story. Hurzuk will also share her opinion on the role of our government in supporting the livelihood efforts of this section of society and her view on the mere 2% job quota given to the disabled category.

Naseema‘s energetic leadership has lent the institution a high repute with a number of credentials. Naseema has penned a motivational book on her struggle and work, titled ‘Chakachi Khurchi‘ translated version of which are available in English, Hindi, Telgu, Kannada, Gujarati. The outstanding volume has also been honoured a chapter in the Xth grade Marathi text book by Maharashtra education board.

To watch the dynamic Naseema Hurzuk revealing her struggled success escapade tune into GREAT BHET on IBN-Lokmat on Saturday, 6th February 2010, at 9:30pm.