Mediaware Infotech launches ERP solution for broadcasting & ad industry

Mediaware Infotech launches ERP solution for broadcasting & ad industry

MUMBAI: Mediaware Infotech announces single Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for the advertising, broadcasting, publication and outdoor media industry.

Mediaware Infotech has announced a slew of software modules, designed as ERP modules for the various players of the advertising and media industry.


For businesses to take full advantage of the Internet’s connectivity, it makes sense that today’s software should be designed as inter-locking modules for an entire industry. This ensures that different modules dove-tail into each other. And that the modules ‘talk’ to industry resources as well as each other via standards like XML.

Mediaware sales head Prasun Kumar says, “Mediaware has been specialising in solutions for the advertising and media business for more than a decade. So it makes imminent sense for us to take this initiative.”

Obvious technological benefits apart, this is probably the first time an ERP has been announced for an entire industry rather than a vertical segment.

The firm‘s head web development Mudit Raniwala says, “Apart from giving our clientele the benefits of latest Web-based technology, we will offer flexible office configuration (like centralizing an operation in a single location), & with innovative technologies built-in to the system. Technologies like message-broking servers, Web crawlers, built-in business chat & mail servers, multi-media content managers will play vital role in new–generation applications.”

“Of course, we cannot expect 100 per cent market share. Nobody can! But, with this design approach, we will certainly offer the much-needed superior, on-the-fly integration with third-party softwares and databases.”

Besides offering IT solutions, Mediaware Infotech is actively involved in consultancy for various aspects of advertising and media – including consultancy for setting up of channels to systems for stream-lining marketing and sales as well as technology platforms for e-sales. Also, its Media Database Group offers current media knowledge databases to help keep media/marketing updated on industry happenings.