Mobile TV attracts all ages, viewed indoors and outdoors

Mobile TV attracts all ages, viewed indoors and outdoors

SINGAPORE: At a time when there is a lot of uncertainty about the future of mobile TV, research has shown that those addicted to the medium use it as much indoors as they do when they are out of their homes.

Research findings from Korea presented at the Mobile TV Forum at BroadcastAsia showed that there is no concept of primetime during the day for viewers of mobile TV, contrary to the assumption that commuting time will be primetime. Similarly, research showed that 30 per cent of mobile TV subscribers are above 40 and the age group under 20 is less than 10 per cent.

The running time is not very important and subscribers want a variety of content. Korea has two mobile TV services: T-DMB is a terrestrial free service with seven video and 11 audio channels while S-DMB is a satellite pay service nationwide with 15 video and 20 audio channels. It is expected that Korea will have 21 million DMB users in 2012.