Fox organizes sneak view of …Zoo on Nov 26

Fox organizes sneak view of …Zoo on Nov 26


MUMBAI: 20th Century Fox has decided to give a sneak view of Cameron Crowe‘s We Bought a Zoo for children and their parents on Thanksgiving Day on November 26, a month before the film releases on December 23.

The studio is teaming with social networking video site Tout to encourage audiences to share their post-screening thoughts, and a broader campaign will include a live Q&A with Crowe and more.

Led by Matt Damon, the film based on a true story, follows Ben (Damon), a single father who attempts to fulfill his late wife‘s wish of moving their family to the titular animal sanctuary, along the way coming across the possibility of moving on thanks to a beautiful, dedicated zookeeper Scarlett Johansson).

Cute animals and Jonsi singing ensue, followed most likely by tears and a big heart-warming finish.