Richie Mehta speaks on Poacher and conservation at 18TH MIFF

Richie Mehta speaks on Poacher and conservation at 18TH MIFF

In conversation with a journalist, talking about his journey of making both shows


Mumbai: The 18th edition of the Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) saw celebrated filmmaker Richie Mehta, the director of Delhi crime and most recently “Poacher” in conversation with an eminent journalist, talking about his journey of making both the shows.

Speaking at a house-packed auditorium at NMIC premise in Mumbai, Mehta said that the true reason for backing the project was a larger cause than the conservation aspect the series highlighted. He also expressed that he is grateful that the cause was achieved.

He also spoke about how his favourite part of making a show for him is the ‘research’…”My favourite part of the process is research because you are getting to know remarkable people, you get to see astonishing stories and that’s where I learn about everything.”

He also spoke about how he was very particular about not using real animals. “There was no chance I was going to use real animals because then it defeats the whole purpose and the intention of the series…which means the technology has to be of a certain level to be able to do that and the artists are all from here (India) who have done that… for me, that is a great sense of pride.”

When quizzed by the audience on the sort of content he would be keen on backing, he said that he is more keen on focussing on the script and the acting which formed the core and paid emphasis on pushing boundaries, using the leverage of one position to bring forth key issues. He also stated that he is currently researching being able to take the idea further, with a focus on ‘Big Cats’.

On being asked if there was any fear while making Poacher, Mehta said “The only fear I had was, will I be able to fulfil my promise to the wildlife team.”

Acknowledging his team behind the much talked about series, Mehta called on the team of Poacher present in the audience at the session. The in-conversation was followed by the red carpet screening of the series, with filmmaker Richie Mehta, MD, NFDC Shri Pritul Kumar and other dignitaries walking the red carpet.

The 18th MIFF which commenced on the 15th, concludes on the 21st of June, 2024.  In a bid to make the festival accessible to discerning audiences across the country, special screenings have also been organised in Pune, Kolkata, Chennai and Delhi.