Bigflix Vod gets rebranded to

Bigflix Vod gets rebranded to

MUMBAI: With an objective to give personalised movie-watching experience a whole new dimension for users across the world, video-on-demand website has changed its name to

With a KPMG research report on video-on-demand and streaming media consumption stating that the consumption of on-demand media is on a constant rise and will continue to do so, has created a more personalised connect with its users with

Speaking on the rebranding, business head Murtuza Kagalwala said, "We are very glad to have taken this step to re-brand our broadband website to, where it‘s all about my movies. The team has been constantly observing user-behaviour with regards to movie entertainment watching habits on the internet and concluded with interesting key inferences."
"Another interesting report by KPMG says that digital media consumption jumped pretty dramatically from 6 hours and 14 minutes to 7 hours and 28 minutes over the last six months (Sept 2009 to March 2010), says Kagalwala.
Those who preferred online viewing were a vast majority at 93 per cent who cited the availability of on-demand content as the reason they watched TV shows online. Also the ability to get content free was the second-most important reason at 80 per cent and the convenience of watching their factor anytime they want, at 73 per cent. "We at, will have much more for our users to make it more personal in the coming months and take movie watching experience to a whole new level," added Kagalwala.
Movies is all about one‘s preference and video-on-demand is about what consumers want when they want to consume, hence MyBigFlix is all about making this available for its existing and new users.

There is a special feature, Playlist which allows the user to add his favourite content be it TV shows, movies, music videos, trailers from over 2000 movies and more than 100 television shows from content catalogue.

The website currently has 10 million visitors month-on-month across the world of which 5 to 6 million visitors are from India with an average time spend of 110 minutes per-user per-month.