Whistling Woods International launched Women’s Day 2023 campaign called #IWasTold

Whistling Woods International launched Women’s Day 2023 campaign called #IWasTold

The campaign aims to break the stereotypes regarding women.

Woods International (WWI) has endeavoured to dedicate the entire month for this initiative. Launching a 360-degree Women's Day Campaign, #IWasTold, featuring successful alumnae over the past 16 years, it aims to break the stereotypes regarding women due to cultural conditioning. Breaking biases around women's career choices is the fundamental motto of the campaign, running till the end of March 2023.

“Whistling Woods has always encouraged equal opportunities for men and women. The #IWasTold campaign recognises the various challenges women have to face in the journey of achieving their dreams. Women’s Day, this year, has reconciled with our annual event, Alumni Engagement Month, where we celebrate our alumni and their achievements, hence we felt it’s the best time to celebrate our alumnae, who we are ever so proud of.” said Whistling Woods International president Meghna Ghai Puri.

The campaign is garnering a huge response on social media, where students are sharing stories of what they were told not to do or pursue. Few posts such as “#IwasTold that Women Are Meant To Build Homes Not Brands”, “#IwasTold that Passion For Sports Is Better Left As A Spectator”, “#IwasTold that only fair skinned women get cast in films” are spreading an awareness about the struggles women face in their everyday lives. This campaign is in a pursuit to celebrate women who are powerful, independent, limitless, and willing to define and live life by their own rules.

Not only digital but offline activations, compelling brand film and print statics ensure the campaign empowers women from all realms. Being thought provoking in nature, it did receive a lot of engagement and appreciation.