Weekend Unwind with French Essence’s Nidhi Gupta

Mumbai: With another weekend upon us, it is time to unwind with the latest Q&A edition of Indiantelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind—a series of informal chats that peek into the minds of business executives through a fun lens in an attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better.

In this week’s session, we have French Essence's CMO Nidhi Gupta.

So without a further edo, let's begin…

1. Your mantra for life

Ans: My mantra for life is “Never give up”. It helps me to persevere through challenges, stay resilient in the face of adversity, and always keep pushing forward toward my goals, no matter how difficult the situation is.

2. A book you are currently reading or planning to

Ans: Recently, I read the book "Shoe Dog" by Phil Knight. For people who are interested in business or want to know the history behind famous businesses then you should must give a read to this book.  

3. Your fitness mantra, especially after the pandemic

Ans: My fitness mantra has always been to practice yoga and go for a morning walk and I continue it till-date.

4. Your comfort food

Ans: My ultimate comfort food is popcorn. Whenever I crave for some crunchy food, popcorn is my go-to food.

5. A quote or philosophy that keeps you going when the chips are down

Ans: When things get tough, I remind myself that, 'Do your best, and let God handle the rest. It keeps me focused and optimistic even in the challenging times.

6. Your guilty pleasure

Ans: Engaging in shopping is my guilty pleasure. There's something wonderful about discovering new things and satisfying yourself, even if I know I probably don't need everything I buy.

7. The last time you tried something new

Ans: Last month, I tried bungee jumping for the first time. It was a thrilling experience that pushed me beyond my comfort zone and left me with wonderful memories.

8. A life lesson you learned the hard way

Ans: A tough life lesson I learned is that people's words don't always align with their actions. It's been challenging realizing that promises can be broken and intentions aren't always genuine, and additionally, it taught me to trust actions more than words.

9. What gets you excited about life

Ans: I find excitement in the simple joys of life like the beauty of nature and the warmth of human connections. As every new day brings endless possibilities, experiences, and opportunities for growth and exploration, making the journey exhilarating and full of surprises.

10. What is on top of your bucket list

Ans: Witnessing the Northern Lights is at the top of my bucket list. It's a breathtaking natural phenomenon that I've always dreamed of experiencing firsthand, and I hope to make that dream a reality one day.

11. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Ans: The one piece of advice I would like to give to my younger self is to stay confident. Accept your individuality, believe in yourself, and trust that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

12. One thing you would like to change about the world

Ans: One thing I would like to change about the world is to end poverty. It's a complex issue that affects millions of people worldwide, and addressing it would lead to a more equitable society where everyone has access to basic necessities and opportunities for a better life.

13. An activity that keeps you motivated and charged during tough times

Ans: The activity that keeps me motivated and charged during tough times is reading. Getting lost in a good book helps me to stay away from reality for a while, gain new perspectives, and find inspiration to keep pushing forward.

14. What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

Ans: When life gets tough, listening to good, motivational music lifts my moods. The rhythm and lyrics have a way of uplifting my mood and giving me the strength and motivation to face challenges with a positive attitude.

15. Your go-to stress buster

Ans: Spending time with my children is my ultimate stress reliever. Their joy, innocence, and playful energy have an amazing capacity to melt away whatever tension or problems I may have.