KelpHR & Uber lead the charge: Championing workplace safety and inclusivity

KelpHR & Uber lead the charge: Championing workplace safety and inclusivity

Beyond organisations and regulators, communities are vital in shaping attitudes.

KelpHR & Uber

Mumbai: In the evolving corporate landscape, ensuring safer workplaces isn't just a compliance measure—it's a testament to an organisation's core values and commitment to its employees. Central to this endeavor in India is the PoSH Act, a legislative milestone that emphasises the eradication of workplace harassment.

KelpHR, established in 2013, stands at the forefront of this mission, offering a decade of expertise as a prominent provider of HR solutions. Having served more than 800 clients in India and overseas, KelpHR specialises in PoSH, diversity, equity & inclusion, and employee assistance programs—all with the common goal of fostering safer, happier, inclusive, and productive workplaces. Initiatives like the KelpHR PoSH Awards spotlight organisations championing these ideals, illuminating the path for others to follow suit. KelpHR recently organised the fourth edition of the KelpHR PoSH Awards 2023. This event will shine a spotlight on the Top 25 Safest Workplaces in India.

In a joint interview, caught up with KelpHR CEO & co-founder Smita Shetty Kapoor & Uber India Sr director Megha Yethadka.

On the pivotal moments that stand out in the journey of fostering safer workplaces and these experiences shaping your approach to workplace safety

Megha: Being green on audit compliances from the beginning is important to keep challenging the methods and the efforts to train our employees and managers on PoSH related compliances. A moment that stood out for us was when Uber India won the ‘KelpHR PoSH Awards in 2021’ which was a special recognition of workplace safety metrics by an external body that accelerated the path towards building better workplaces for our employees. These continued efforts in the space of PoSH compliances have recently garnered us the title of Torchberarers of Workplace Safety - ‘Triple Safety Crown’. Such recognitions underscore our efforts towards creating a robust and engaging PoSH education and awareness program at Uber. We're proud of the extraordinary progress we've made together over the last four years in developing a robust and engaging PoSH education and awareness program that reinforces our company values of ‘Stand for Safety’ and ‘Do the Right Thing’. More than the external recognition, our employees internally sharing feedback, strong culture survey scores and anecdotes of feeling safe, being able to bring their authentic selves to work and feeling included are moments that make us most proud.

On the evolution of the KelpHR PoSH Awards over the past four editions, and the impact has it left on various industries

Smita: The KelpHR PoSH Awards began with the vision of honoring organisations for outstanding efforts in creating safe workplaces, evolving from recognising individuals to acknowledging 25 workplaces. An essential shift involves incorporating employee surveys, reflecting a commitment to gaining comprehensive insights into workplace dynamics. The awards now see increased participation, with a streamlined approach for efficiency and accuracy in the evaluation process.

The criteria have evolved to be more profound and intersectional, challenging organisations to go beyond compliance and embrace the true spirit of creating safe and inclusive environments. This strategic shift encourages a holistic approach to preventing workplace harassment.

In essence, the KelpHR PoSH Awards have become a dynamic platform fostering continuous improvement within organisations. The increased participation, refined criteria, and innovative data collection contribute to the awards' positive impact on shaping safer and more inclusive workplaces across diverse industries.

On Uber’s approach to incorporating cutting-edge solutions to address evolving challenges related to workplace safety

Megha: At Uber, we #StandForSafety which is one of our Uber values and we live this value every moment. We have optimised our turn around time to 45 days for Internal Committees to close the case, instead of the 90 days governed under PoSH Law by calling out every step in the IC Investigation process so that the IC has better clarity on each step to fast track the process and provide faster resolutions to the involved parties. We have also launched a Global awareness program about 'Respect@Uber' last year (2022) to build awareness around how to recognise and respond to policy violations, resolve conflict at the workplace and provide restoration as necessary. We have been proactive about our initiatives and invested in prevention vs reaction alone (Ex: street play-styled awareness sessions, online case study-based training and evaluation etc).

On the KelpHR PoSH Awards highlighting the commitment to eliminating workplace harassment; how can organisations effectively translate this commitment into day-to-day practices, creating lasting cultural change

Smita: Over the years, it has become evident that the foundation for a secure workplace begins with a strong commitment from leadership. This commitment shapes the organisational culture, fostering an environment dedicated to promoting safe workplaces. Individuals within the organisation, influenced by this commitment, exhibit behaviors that contribute to a culture prioritising safety.

Additionally, organisations should focus on effective leadership communication, anti-harassment policies, regular training, awareness sessions, platforms for reporting inappropriate behaviors, and the promotion of inclusive leadership and diversity. By integrating these practices, organisations move beyond a mere commitment to eradicating workplace harassment, actively fostering a culture where values like respect, inclusivity, and safety are ingrained in day-to-day operations.

On envisioning the impact of the Triple Safety Award on organisations and their commitment to preventing sexual harassment

Smita: The Torchbearers of Workplace Safety - ‘Triple Safety Crown’ was envisioned as more than just a recognition and singular achievements; it's a tribute to the consistent, ongoing efforts and initiatives of organisations dedicated to cultivating safe and respectful workplaces. It is a symbol of appreciation for those organisations on this continuous path.

Moreover, it's not just about ticking compliance boxes. The award encourages organisations to delve into broader areas such as gender inclusivity and overall human well-being. We emphasise the creation of not only a harassment-free zone but also a psychologically safe space where every employee feels valued, supported, and excited to contribute as part of a cohesive team.

By recognising and celebrating organisations excelling in these dimensions, we hope to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to prioritise safety, inclusivity, and employee well-being in their workplace cultures.

On the reflections that you have on the progress made in workplace safety as we commemorate the 10th anniversary of the POSH Act and what more can be done collectively by organisations, regulators, and the community

Smita: As we mark the 10-year anniversary of the POSH Act, there's been a positive shift in how organisations approach workplace safety. The emergence of a "Speak up" culture has transformed the employee-employer dynamic, reducing toxicity. Employee awareness, spanning all genders, has played a pivotal role in recogniaing toxic behaviors, prompting organisations to provide crucial support.

While a "zero tolerance" message is prevalent, some organiaations engage in superficial compliance without embracing the act's spirit. It's crucial for genuine commitment to safe and inclusive workplaces.

Regulators, on this milestone, could enhance their role by conducting audits and collaborating with organisations like KelpHR for compliance and best practices.

Beyond organisations and regulators, communities are vital in shaping attitudes. Learnings shouldn't stay confined to workplaces; discussions on safe spaces should permeate homes, streets, and every interaction space.

On the PoSH Act’s contribution to fostering safer workplaces  and the key challenges persisting in its effective implementation

Smita: The PoSH Act, born from the poignant stories of individuals like Bhanwari Devi and Rupan Deol Bajaj, is a significant stride toward safer workplaces. Their sacrifices underscore the commitment to ensuring no woman faces such horrors in streets, workplaces, or homes.

Despite progress, challenges linger in the PoSH Act's effective implementation. Some view compliance as a burden, fearing it hampers competitiveness or serves as a tool for revenge. There's a persistent myth that cases tarnish organisational culture, hindering true progress.

Another hurdle is leaders denying harassment in their workplace, impeding preventive measures. To overcome these challenges, leaders must shift their mindset, embracing the PoSH Act as a crucial framework for prioritising safety and dignity. Open dialogue, awareness campaigns, and ongoing education are vital to dispel myths and foster meaningful change in organisational attitudes toward preventing sexual harassment.

On workplaces better addressing and supporting male employees who experience sexual harassment, considering the significant number of complaints reported to the EEOC

Smita: Workplaces can enhance their approach to addressing and supporting male/ third gender employees who experience sexual harassment by adopting inclusive and gender-neutral policies. While the PoSH law is gender-specific, many organisations have recognised the importance of inclusivity and extended their policies to cover all genders. Some initiatives include having gender-neutral policies, having clear redressal mechanisms laid out, creating gender-neutral awareness sessions.

Megha: Uber is an equal-opportunity employer and does not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace irrespective of gender. We believe in a ‘speak up’ culture and encourage employees to speak up when they see behavior that doesn’t seem right. To ensure everybody feels safe to report sexual harassment, Uber enforces strict protection from retaliation policy. We do this through our proactive communication about our PoSH policies and drive awareness about Global programs like 'Respect@Uber' that specifically talk about how to prevent, prohibit and redress sexual harassment against any gender and how we address them with complete confidentiality, without any fear of retaliation and to create a safe workplace for all employees of any gender. In the same spirit, we also drive ‘mental well-being’ sessions for all employees (across Uber India) to reiterate the importance of how and why psychological safety is as important as workplace safety. We have an Integrity helpline, where every employee regardless of gender can report harassment or workplace issues and those are investigated with similar rigour, regardless of gender.

On the advice that you have for emerging companies looking to prioritise employee well-being and create a positive work culture from the start

Smita: For emerging companies committed to fostering a positive work culture and prioritising employee well-being, here's some straightforward advice:

a.   Align your actions with your values. Prioritise employee well-being, safety, and inclusivity by actively integrating these values into every aspect of your company's operations.

b.   Understand that a safe, healthy, and inclusive employee is a more productive and engaged one. Cultivate a culture that promotes well-being, offers necessary support, and encourages work-life balance.

c.   Leaders should embody both vulnerability and strength. Be transparent about goals, challenges, and successes. Share personal stories of resilience to build trust and relatability.

d.   During adversity, leaders should act as a protective shield for their teams. Show empathy, provide support, and ensure employees feel secure in their roles and within the company.

e.   Acknowledge the importance of mental health. Implement programs that promote mental well-being, reduce stigma, and provide resources for employees facing mental health challenges.

f.   Encourage a healthy work-life balance. Avoid overwork and burnout, ensuring employees have time and flexibility to recharge for long-term well-being and sustained productivity.

g.   Prioritise diversity and inclusion from the outset. Create an environment where individuals from different backgrounds feel valued and included, contributing to both an enriched work environment and innovative thinking.

By prioritising these aspects from the start, organisations can establish a strong foundation for long-term success and employee satisfaction.

Megha: At Uber, we care deeply about our employees and the communities we serve. We embed safety into everything that we do. We recognise that everyone has a role to play and can contribute towards maintaining a safe and inclusive workplace. Creating a safe workplace for everyone is not ER/HR job alone and making everyone be part of the journey is an investment to make Also, it's important to know that creating a safe workplace is not a milestone, but an ongoing journey for the organizations where they continue to innovate in the field of PoSH awareness programs. The leadership team, the Internal Committee members, the People Team and the frontline managers, all have a responsibility of practicing the rules of workplace safety.  Hence, we shall work hard to comply with all laws prohibiting harassment, and take immense pride in our diverse workforce. Our advice would be to embrace the journey, learn and iterate along the way with full commitment of being the safest workplace for everyone.