'#ConnectedSheCan' with Voda on International Day


'#ConnectedSheCan' with Voda on International Day

MUMBAI: Armed with a key focus of building a diverse and inclusive work culture, Vodafone India will celebrate the International Women’s Day with a week-long series of exciting events lined up from 6- 10 March, 2017. The theme #ConnectedSheCan is aimed to bring a positive change to the lives of millions of women worldwide by enabling financial inclusion, improving health and wellbeing and building skills and entrepreneurship abilities in them.

Over the years, Vodafone India has consciously worked to build an inclusive work environment and acknowledge the role that women play within the organization and society at large. It has also focused on increasing the representation of women in its 13,000+ strong countrywide workforce.

Expressing his views on the organization’s future ambitions for women empowerment, Suvamoy Roy, Director – Human Resources, Vodafone India said, “We are an equal opportunity employer. Our diversity journey is built on the foundation of creating an ecosystem that is attractive to women professionals and enables them to succeed at the workplace. We are delighted to host a series of engaging initiatives as a part of #ConnectedSheCan to celebrate our women colleagues and their contribution to the workplace during this week.”

Vodafone India’s Diversity Journey: Quick Overview

•         Discover Graduates hires: over 50% women hires vs. 38% in 2013. In 2016, we have on-boarded 120 students through this programme. Out of the total, 52% are women hires.

•         The gender ratio at our mid to senior level management positions is at about 16% (135 women out of 836 senior management positions) up from 10% in 2013.

•         Vodafone India currently operators 40 Angel Stores (women only stores) across India

BOLTRED is Vodafone India’s flagship program – aimed at offering an accelerated leadership development journey for high potential women, who undergo 10-months of training based on three primary pillars – Functional and Business Acumen, Leadership and Change and most importantly Personal Impact.


Vodafone India aims to become the best employer for women, supporting them at the workplace in every stage of their lives.

CONNECTING WOMEN – Aiming to connect 50 million women by 2025

1.       Vodafone India has introduced ‘Vodafone Sakhi’, a unique proposition empowering women in rural India.  ‘Vodafone Sakhi’ allows women to make a Private Recharge through an OTP code, without mobile number sharing.

2.       Smart Snehidi programme is India’s first targeted women centric proposition under the global ‘Vodafone mWomen’ initiative. The objective of the programme is to digitize rural women by overcoming their barriers to Internet usage to enhance their livelihoods. Launched in November 2016, 1000 ‘Snehidis’ have been enrolled across 3 districts in Tamil Nadu.


Vodafone is committed to helping women compete on an equal footing across India. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Vodafone Foundation will release the 4th edition of its Women of Pure Wonder book that further reinforces this vision.


A series of exciting events have been planned for Vodafone’s women employees, with multiple training sessions and inspiring discussions with renowned women speakers across the globe.