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  • The Indian Idol Junior- New Delhi Audition receives an exceptional responseShreya Ghoshal and Vishal-Shekhar visit the capital to hunt for the first Indian idol Junior

    Submitted by ITV Production on Apr 19

    MUMBAI : Indian Idol the most popular singing reality show that has presented some of the finest singing talent in the country, is back in a new avatar. Indian Idol Junior - the search for the new young voice that will enthrall millions of viewers across India reached Mumbai. The auditions received an outstanding response from the city. With Mandira Bedi and Karan Wahi anchoring the audition, the excitement amongst aspiring singers who gathered at Andheri Sports complex was overwhelming.

    To ensure that ‘Koi Bhi Talent Chhootne Na Paye‘ the three biggest names of the music industry Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani and Shekhar Ravjiani had the daunting task of picking the best talent amongst thousands of young aspirants. The awesome trio were thrilled by the phenomenal response to the audition. Enthusiastic people were seen queuing up for their claim to fame from the wee hours of the morning.

    Indian Idol took reality television to new heights and has produced some of the finest and most talented singers. Even though the show is in its seventh season, ‘Indian Idol‘ continues to be as exciting as it was when it first came to India.

    Indian Idol Junior is produced by the format owners Fremantle Media and once again the show is all set to enthrall the viewers across the country with new talent. This year Indian Idol Junior will cover the entire nation to scout for the best singing talent. After presenting India with some of the most talented and loved voices, the hunt for the first Indian Idol Junior is on. So what are you waiting for? Begin your riyaaz now!


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