• HBO Defined launches campaign around ‘Game of Thrones’ new season

    MUMBAI: As HBO Defined counts down to the premiere of the fifth season of the iconic TV series Game of Thrones

  • Life lessons from the top

    Submitted by ITV Production on Mar 05

    They are successful and intelligent individuals with characteristic traits and rituals. Not only do they have the passion and drive to achieve what they want in life but also certain belief systems, which distinguish them from ordinary mortals. 

    Whether it is waking up early or eating right, industry leaders share their unique life mantras that have helped them progress in the course of their individual journeys.    


    ?When my wife and I first came to our own house in Bangalore after marriage, an old couple told us that life is not about being 50-50; it is about knowing when to be 80-20 and when to be 70-30,? stated SapientNitro chief creative officer K V Sridhar.

    Sridhar, who is fondly known as Pops by one and all, says that this mantra helped him in his personal and professional life. ?I have understood the value of relationships and this has helped in partnership dealings with clients,? he said.

    Many industry leaders also try to spend enough quality time with family. Whether it?s over a meal or watching a movie together after working hours, they make it a point to prioritize and set aside time for people who matter in their lives. Top professionals also recognize that gradual preparations and planning will provide directions to their ultimate goal.

    ?To be successful, it requires one to be focused with great persistence on your goals. One needs to prioritize time, plan things and keep a disciplined lifestyle?, said the co-founder of indie musician service provider, Songdew.com?s Chinmayee Tripathi.

    However, that should not deter one from taking risks.

    ?It is important to make mistakes. If you never make a mistake, you will never have the ability to take a risk and taking risks is an important aspect in the corporate world. I have made a couple of mistakes and I think some of them were good mistakes,? opined HBO managing director Monica Tata.

    PING Network co-founder and director Rajeshree Naik throws light on the importance of mid-career education and how it really stimulates one?s thinking and opens the windows of the mind to new opportunities. ?One piece of advice I give to a lot of people who are in a mid-career crisis would be to go back to school and study. You have no idea the kind of stimulation it will provide you,? she asserted.

    Top executives of many a corporation make it a point to meditate daily. One cannot deny the benefits of meditation, which include reducing stress levels and improving physical health. ?I meditate everyday, which is what keeps me focused,? shares Christian Dior Couture India, vice-president, marketing and communications Kalyani Chawla.

    With rigorous schedules and heavy responsibilities at work, many of these successful professionals often draw strength and inspiration when they are living life to the fullest.

    Chawla shared, ?Live for the present and try to make the best of it. The future is unpredictable but we have to be prepared. That is key.?

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • In Conversation with Monica Tata

    Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 13

    The third episode of Talking Point with Ritwika Gupta features the Managing Director of HBO South Asia, Monica Tata.  With over 24 years of experience in the media industry, Monica talks about her journey in the competitive media industry. She believes that if you work hard, awards and rewards will follow.  A completely passionate person when it comes to work, Monica also reveals whether a glass ceiling still exists in media industry. Monica enjoys every single role she plays in her life but also admits that this would not have been possible without her supportive husband and an ever loving family. 

    Ritwika Gupta
  • Exec Movie Diaries

    Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 13

    Award winning French actor, Vincent Cassel once said that cinema is entertainment and people go to the movies because they want to feel good and forget about everything. Whether movies are mainstream or unconventional, one cannot imagine a life without films. And when it comes to our top executives, not only do they admit being movie buffs but they also share some of the films that have left a mark in their lives throughout the years.  Let?s check out today the kind of cinema these media personalities love to watch. 

    indiantelevision.com Team
  • Watch The Top Executives Sharing Their Favourite Cuisines!

    Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 06

    Kashmiri food, Gudjrati thali, Asian delicacy and Thai curry are some of the top culinary delights of the media personalities. To find out more watch, Anupama Chopra, JD Majethia, Prasana Krishnan, Monica Tata & Rajat Barjatya reveal their favourite lip smacking dishes. 

    indiantelevision.com Team
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