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  • Agneepath tops on TV

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 21

    Mumbai: Zee Cinema, India?s first Hindi movie channel, topped the rating charts this week with the telecast the World TV premiere of Bollywood?s latest blockbuster, Agneepath. The film starring Hrithik Roshan was aired on 16 June at 8 pm and catapulted Zee Cinema to the top slot among Hindi movie channels this week with 158 GRPs, followed by Star Gold (119), Sony Max (100) and Movies OK (64). As per TAM Data for Week 24?12, Agneepath rated 4.73 TVR in Hindi Speaking Markets (HSM). It garnered a reach of 19.63 percent and a time spent of 51.8 minutes. In Mumbai, Agneepath rated at 6.67 TVR, Delhi had 4.93 TVR, Gujarat 1Mn+ had 7.42 TVR and in Maharashtra 1Mn+, the film rated 6.6 TVR.

    Agneepath, produced by Dharma Productions, had broken box office collection records in the debut week and done the same with the premiere on Zee Cinema.

    Zee Cinema Business Head, Mohan Gopinath said, ?We have planned a feast of superlative entertainment for Hindi cinema aficionados this year. We are very happy to have augmented our vast library with many more good titles. We have been airing films with shorter breaks to enhance viewership experience and the response to Agneepath has been overwhelming. We have also drawn a very positive advertiser response for the film.? The presenting sponsor for Agneepath was Rin Powered By Good Knight Advanced and it was co-presented by VIM. The Associate sponsors were Xylo, Honda, Pantene PROV, Lenovo, Lifebuoy, Vaseline, NIIT and Supractiv Complete.

    The holistic marketing campaign which had television, outdoor, print, internet, theatre promotions and also promotions on DTH helped build the buzz on the World TV premiere of Agneepath. It rated far greater than the launch episodes of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa (also launched on 16th June got 3.1 TVR on Colors), Aamir Khan?s Satyamev Jayate (Star Plus) and Indian Idol (Sony) launch episodes.

    ZEEL ? Marketing Head ? National Channels, Akash Chawla said, ?The way movies are being consumed is changing with multiple platforms. It?s now possible to engage an online audience in novel ways. This is a perfect example of combining technology, traditional media and cult entertainment to appeal to an audience demographic that loves a combination of all.While among all CS4+ individuals Agneepath rated 4.73 TVR, it rated 5.46 TVR among individuals in digital households. Agneepath also garnered over 1 million searches in June, on Google. This campaign blurred the lines between digital and traditional media. It was an integrated, multi-platform marketing campaign that engaged the viewer in an otherwise cluttered market.?

  • Hrithik Roshan says, ?Nervous all over again!!:)?

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 16

    MUMBAI: Just ahead of the world TV premiere of Hrithik Roshan?s Agneepath, he tweeted, ?@iHrithik: Never seen so much news about a movie premiering on TV before! Zee Cinema 8pm- AGNEEPATH. Nervous all over again!!:)? The buzz that the handsome and talented actor speaks about is an aggressive marketing campaign across media platforms by the channel to promote the telecast of Agneepath, tonight (June 16) the 8 PM premiere on India?s first movie channel, Zee Cinema. There was a huge on-air campaign across ZEEL (Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd) and also on news, entertainment, music, kids? & religious channels outside the Network. The tremendous buzz on social networking sites on the date of telecast is the first time ever for a world TV premiere on a Hindi movie channel.

    There has been a huge outdoor campaign across 12 cities in India that has captured the essence of the film and generated a lot of buzz. Today, the youtube homepage was branded with Agneepath?s masthead. Besides youtube, Agneepath was advertised on 21 websites, including facebook. There were Agneepath promos played across 322 screens, during the screening of Rowdy Rathore too. Agneepath?s movie premiere is also being talked about significantly on Twitter. Right from Hrithik Roshan to Priyanka Chopra to the fan clubs of Hrithik Roshan, Sanjay Dutt and Agneepath, all have been tweeting about the premiere.

    Karan Johar, Dharma Productions, says, ?With all the excitement surrounding the telecast of Agneepath, this television premiere is almost like the release of the film. I?m hugely excited and looking forward to the repeat viewer feedback as well as the first time viewer buzz!?

    The campaign included full page advertisements in all key mainlines, promotions on the country?s biggest DTH players (Dish TV, Airtel DTH and Tata Sky), an nline campiagn across 25 leading websites and even created an Agneepath game that is currently hosted on Facebook (The engaging game has been designed keeping in mind the central characters and plot of the film. You can play the game on https://apps.facebook.com/agneepathgame/)

    Agneepath is the story of a young boy, Vijay Dinanath Chauhan (Hrithik Roshan) who is taught by his principled father about the path of fire ? AGNEEPATH. His life is completely shattered when the evil drug dealer Kancha (Sanjay Dutt) hangs his father to death. Vijay leaves for Mumbai with his pregnant mother and has only one mission in life- to come back to Mandwa and bring back the glory of his father?s name.In Mumbai, 12-yr-old Vijay is taken under the wings of the city gang lord Rauf Lala (Rishi Kapoor). From then on it is a journey of revenge where he makes and breaks many relationships only to get closer to his aim. Vijay finds support only in his best friend Kaali (Priyanka Chopra), who stands by him at every moment in his life. Fifteen years later his hatred for Kancha takes him back to Mandwa where his life completes a full circle.

    Don?t miss this blockbuster! Watch the film in the comforts of your home as India?s first 24-hour Hindi movie channel, Zee Cinema telecasts the World TV premiere of Rin presents Agneepath powered by Good Knight Advanced tonight on 16th June, 2012 at 8 PM.

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