• Van Heusen collaborates with Deepika Padukone

    MUMBAI: Van Heusen, a premium lifestyle brand, has collaborated with actress Deepika Padukone to co-create Van Heusen

  • Fox Traveller integrates brand in 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani'

    MUMBAI: Travel and lifestyle channel Fox Traveller has tied up with Dharma Productions‘ next offering ‘Yeh Jawaani Ha

  • Deepika Padukone becomes the first Indian face for Vogue Eyewear

    Submitted by ITV Production on Apr 29
    indiantelevision.com Team

    New Delhi: Deepika Padukone is the new face for 2013 for Vogue Eyewear, thus becoming the first Indian face of the brand in India.

    A Vogue release says Padukone?s talents are multifaceted and she is perfectly in line with the playful and youthful spirit of Vogue Eyewear. Fashion icons Gisele B?ndchen, Kate Moss and Eva Mendes have earlier been the face of Vogue.

    ?It is a privilege being the face of 2013 Vogue Eyewear communication campaign in India, as I like playing with my looks, be it on or off screen, by mixing and matching various ?in? accessories. Thanks to its colorful, stylish models, both optical and sunglasses, Vogue Eyewear enables me to have a complete different look depending on the situation: flirty, feminine, chic or even geeky smart like my various on screen characters?, says Padukone.

    The 2013 India communication campaign of Vogue Eyewear features six brightly colored images, shot by the ace fashion photographer Prasad Naik and was exclusively styled by the ultimate fashion authority - Anaita Shroff Adjania; keeping in mind Padukone?s dynamic and vivacious personality as well the high glamour world of Vogue Eyewear.

    Vogue Eyewear global brand director Mariavittoria Di Stasi said, ?We are truly happy to have Deepika as the face of our communication campaign. She is very feminine, sensual, astonishing beautiful and at the same time fun and playful. She is stylish, smart and she likes to be updated without losing a personal touch in her style: she really reflects the core values of our brand and this is why we think she is the perfect fit for Vogue Eyewear!?

  • CAA KWAN to manage Deepika Padukone exclusively

    MUMBAI: Entertainment marketing and management company CAA KWAN will function as complete brand custodians and repres

  • DDB Mudra creates launch campaign for Yamaha Ray

    MUMBAI: DDB Mudra has conceptualised the latest campaign for Yahama‘s range of scooters for females – Ray.

  • Yamaha ropes in Deepika Padukone as ambassador for scooter range

    MUMBAI: Yamaha has appointed Deepika Padukone as the brand ambassador of its scooter range - Ray - in India.

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