Effort to introduce Convergence Bill tomorrow

Submitted by ITV Production on Aug 30

Can the industry finally look forward to the Convergence Bill seeing the light of day, at least in Parliament? Well if clued-in sources are to be believed it well may. The date: tomorrow, 31 August 2001, the final day of the monsoon session of Parliament.
It is the communications ministry which will reportedly steer the bill on the floor of the house. And it will be done at the hands of minister Ram Vilas Paswan, so say the sources. Apparently, the law ministry has gone over it with a comb and the final bill is in the process of printing today.

Presidential clearance is likely to be organised today from his secretariat.
The only delay to the introduction of the bill tomorrow could be the passing away of Trianmul Congress leader G.K. Mopanar this morning.